
#1 Amazon best-selling author and NRA, USCCA, Rangemaster Certified Instructor swears under oath this...

FREE Book Reveals How Any American
Can Shoot Better Than 99% of Gun Owners
(Including Most Military & Police)…

…If And Only If They STOP
Going To The Shooting Range!

“Most people are shooting WAY too much to see any real progress —they all laugh when I tell them they should shoot LESS, but their laughter turns to amazement when they see the success of my students in less than 30-days following this unusual 10-minutes-per-day ritual!”

– Caleb Lee, founder of Patriot Training Center

Dear fellow gun owner,

If you want to shoot a pistol BETTER than 99% of gun owners (including most military & police), then you absolutely MUST know what’s inside my never-before-published book, “Patriot Pistol”.

In it, you’ll get my complete blueprint – the proven $1,500 curriculum we use at one of the world’s most successful live firearms training schools – designed to work for anyone…

From first time beginners, who have never held or shot a gun…

To grizzled veterans who have been shooting their entire lives and “Grew up around guns”…

Because of the increase of violent crime in today’s America…

Because of the massive rush of NEW gun owners after 2020…

And because concealed carry – especially permit-less Constitutional Carry— is spreading like wildfire throughout America…

I’m on an unstoppable, nationwide push to share this information with as many Americans as possible and I’m offering this never-before printed book absolutely FREE to any U.S. Citizen with a valid mailing address.

Plus, you’ll receive THREE more free gifts (as long as this offer is valid and we have books to give away).

More on exactly how I’ve managed to arrange this in just a moment, but first…

Who Am I and Why Do I Believe This Book Is So Valuable That I’m Willing to Send It To You FREE?

The first thing you should know about me is that I’m NOT a Navy SEAL…

In fact, I’m not any kind of military operator and have never served in the Armed Forces at all…

I’m also not a Law Enforcement Officer (LEO) and I’ve never had a job that required me to carry a gun…

So, you might wonder why I’m qualified to talk about shooting at all…

Well, most people know me because I’m an #1 Amazon best-selling author of the book “Concealed Carry 101” …

I’ve also racked up well over 200+ hours of professional, LIVE, firearms and tactical training – including multiple instructor certifications from top organizations such as the NRA, USCCA,  and a “Master” level Rangemaster certification…

So, while today I’m a nationally recognized expert on conceal carry and firearms…

It wasn’t always this way.

In fact, 10 years ago, I was woefully and completely ignorant about not just how to conceal carry…

I was also a horrible shooter!

Here’s the crazy part though, like a lot of Americans, because I had grown up around guns…

I THOUGHT I was a “good enough” shooter…

That was, until I took my first live-fire training class from a man who just happened to be the former firearms instructor for SEAL Team 10…

And when I couldn’t hit a simple 3” circle from just 7yds away with my pistol… 

He took my Glock…

He turned it upside down and used his PINKY finger to place a shot perfectly dead center in the 3” circle!

This was a revelation to me and I dedicated the next few years of my life to becoming a faster, more accurate shooter…

It took a LOT of trial and error…

But I finally discovered the ONE secret to faster, deadly-accurate shooting.

It’s so simple, it was almost shocking…

And of course… It was the complete opposite of all the “traditional marksmanship” shooting I had learned as a youngster growing up…

In fact, one of the most important things to learn is this:

If You Want To Shoot Better Than 99% of Gun Owners, Then You MUST Shoot LESS!

Most people don’t know this, but one of the biggest mistakes you can make trying to shoot better is to shoot more…

But there’s something even more important than that…

First, you should STOP buying new guns…

You see, many Americans think that if they simply buy the “latest and greatest” gun, then it will make them shoot better…

But the fact of the matter is that whatever pistol you have now is completely fine and you just need to practice with that one gun…

Every single modern, semi-automatic handgun that we’ve tested in the last 10 years is WAY more mechanically accurate and capable than any shooter…

Trust me, it is NOT the gun that’s the problem.

After that, even though shooting at the range is fun…

You need to actually shoot LESS!

I know that doesn’t make sense and maybe it sounds a little bit crazy, I mean how do you get better at shooting without shooting?

Well, the secret is that you DO want to practice shooting…

But you do NOT want to do “live fire” – shooting actual bullets at the range…

You want to practice what experts call “dry fire” – which means you’re NOT shooting actual ammo – you’re just practicing “shooting” your gun WITHOUT ammo.

It may sound hard to believe…

But over the years I’ve trained with everyone I could find, from ex-CIA officers, to SWAT cops, Marines, Special Forces, and Ranger-qualified soldiers…

And I’ve even studied the world’s best competition shooters…

And the ONE thing that they all do more than anything else…

Is dry fire.

The Good News Is, You Can Become a World-Class Shooter In Less Than 10 Minutes a Day (and WITHOUT Spending a Ton of Money on Ammo!)

The secret, again, is “dry fire”…

(But only a very specific type of dry fire, done in a slightly unusual ritual, as you’ll discover more in a moment)

Again, with dry fire, you simply use an unloaded gun, with NO live ammo, at home and practice EVERYTHING you can do with your gun…

> You practice drawing from concealment
> You practice pressing the trigger without moving the sights
> You practice reloading your gun
> You can work the slide, safeties, and other controls
> You practice getting a great sight picture and sight alignment
> Transitioning from target to target and much more!

The fact is: you can practice almost EVERYTHING that makes you a faster, more accurate shooter in dry fire…

And it’s even MORE effective than going to the range and shooting live ammo!

And that’s an important point…

If you’re like most Americans, if you’ve even heard of the idea of dryfire training…

You probably think that shooting live ammo at the range is the BEST…

And dryfire is the second-best way to train…

And it’s just an alternative you can do when you can’t make it to the range…

But nothing could be further from the truth!

Dryfire is the BEST way to train… and shooting live-fire at the range is only a way to “test” that your REAL training—dryfire—is working correctly!

The reason why is because when you’re shooting live ammo at the range there are dozens of other inputs that distract your mind from learning how to shoot better…

There are typically other people, other people are probably shooting, it’s loud, there is a gun in your hand that is creating a mini-explosion of fire and noise and recoil every time you pull the trigger…

Adult learning specialists call these conditions “extraneous cognitive load” …

Which means you learn LESS, and you learn SLOWER, when you shoot live fire at the range…

Because there are other inputs that are competing for your conscious brain’s attention—while you’re trying to learn, practice and perfect your shooting skills.

On the other hand…

When you practice dryfire at home with no live ammo…

There is no recoil, there are no other people, there is no mini-explosion happening in your hands, no live recoil, and no loud noises like shooting at the range…

And that allows you to focus your learning on specific, individual skill sets, to deeply engrain them in your neural pathways…

Dryfire helps ignite a process known as “myelination” – where you create actual new brain cell mapping – essentially burning the correct motor patterns into your brain and neural pathways.

This has been proven with combat troops too!

During the 1970s, the old apartheid government of South Africa was under a U.N. arms embargo and could not import ammunition…

Their domestic production could not keep up with ammunition demand either…

As an experiment, the South African Army had one group of new recruits go through the normal handgun training program using live fire at the range…

While another group went through doing ONLY dryfire practice with no live fire.

In fact, the “dry fire group” did not fire a single shot until qualification day…

However, when the scores were tallied, the dryfire group slightly outperformed the group who had used the usual live fire practice training method!

And, as I’ve said, it’s the hidden secret behind every great shooter today too.


Dryfire helps ignite a process known as “myelination” – where you create actual new brain cell mapping – essentially burning the correct motor patterns into your brain and neural pathways.

But this is not just some “theory” about how becoming a better shooter works…

Dryfire has been proven to prepare soldiers for combat, better than live fire too!

This has been proven with combat troops too…

During the 1970s, the old apartheid government of South Africa was under a U.N. arms embargo and could not import ammunition…

Their domestic production could not keep up with ammunition demand either…

As an experiment, the South African Army had one group of new recruits go through the normal handgun training program using live fire at the range…

While another group went through doing ONLY dryfire practice with no live fire.

In fact, the “dry fire group” did not fire a single shot until qualification day…

However, when the scores were tallied, the dryfire group slightly outperformed the group who had used the usual live fire practice training method!

And, as I’ve said, it’s the hidden secret behind every great shooter today too.


The BIG problem with dryfire is whatever you practice, you make permanent – so you MUST get the proper techniques and training FIRST!

Because dryfire works so well…

Because it practically “burns” the skills you practice into your brain and neural pathways…

And builds what people commonly call “muscle memory”…

One of the biggest mistakes you can make with dry fire training is to practice the WRONG thing…

In other words, you definitely need to get the proper training FIRST…

To know WHAT to practice in dry fire.

And HOW to do the techniques as precisely and correctly as possible…

Because if you don’t do the techniques correctly from day one…

If you practice the wrong gun-handling skills…

Then not only will you be slower, and less accurate when you go back to live-fire at the range…

You could also be programming your subconscious mind…

And burning in repetition after repetition of the WRONG patterns…

That could get you killed in a real-life self-defense situation!

They call these “Training Scars” in the industry, and it’s one huge mistake that you don’t want to make…

Because, at best, it will take you twice as long to fix what you’ve done incorrectly…

And at worst, you could be setting yourself up for failure when you need these life-saving defensive skills!

So, you absolutely MUST make sure you’re getting the proper training BEFORE you start committing these skills to your subconscious memory with dry fire.

Why The Information Inside This Book Normally Costs $1,500 and 2-Days of Your Time...

Because being trained in the fundamentals of defensive handgun skills is so important…

That’s exactly why we take great pride in our LIVE, multiple-day, hands-on firearms training courses that we teach at Patriot Training Center in Talladega, Alabama…

For example, our flagship 2-Day Patriot Pistol course takes place over a weekend…

In just 2-days of live, hands-on training we can teach even complete beginners EXACTLY how to shoot their handguns better than most military and police…

And until now, this was the ONLY way to receive a copy of the Patriot Pistol book…

Because we give it to our students as their training manual to take home with them, so they can review everything they learned in their live training for the future…

Obviously, this is extremely valuable, high-level training…

In fact, the published price for our 2-day live training course is $1,500…

And our students say it’s worth every penny they invest with us!

Don't Just Take My Word For It... Here's What Students Say About Our LIVE Training Courses...

“I Would Highly Recommend This Course – Hoping I Can Get Some Friends To Come!”
-- Andrew H., Alabama
“I Got More From This 2-Day Course Than Any of My 5 Day Courses”!
-- David K, Texas
“Compared To Training I Received In The Military – This is Leaps and Bounds Ahead!”
-- Ron L, Florida
“This is the SECOND TIME I've Taken This Course - I Improved Tremendously!”
-- Charles T, Alabama
“I Flew From California - 1800 miles away - As soon as you can get in this class!”
-- Quentin B, California
“I Came From Virginia - This Course Offered The Complete Package!”
-- Alex C, Virginia
“We BOTH Became Better Shooters This Weekend!”
-- Josh & Emily, Virginia
“Stop Thinking About Coming To A Class - Just Do It! It Will Be Well Worth Your Time!”
-- Marcos M, Georgia

Of course, I didn’t write this letter to tell you about taking a course with us…


The good news is, this book I want to give you contains the EXACT curriculum from our $1,500 LIVE 2-Day Training Course!

You see, after taking class after class of students through our live, 2-day and 4-day pistol training courses over the past year…

I realized I wanted to make an even BIGGER impact…

I wanted to get even MORE people trained in America…

I realized that, no matter the reason …

We simply could not get all the tens of millions of gun owners in America to come out to take a live, hands-on training course with us…

Even if we could get millions of them tomorrow to sign up for a class, we couldn’t fit them all even on our 10+ pistol ranges!

But again, what you practice makes permanent – so you don’t want to practice the wrong things…

At best, you’re slower and doing things the improper way, meaning you’re less accurate…

At worst, what you practice wrong could create “Training scars” that get you killed in a real life-or-death situation…

That’s when I had the idea that I would take our core curriculum from our student handbook and put it in book format…

So, I could share it with as many Americans as possible…

To accomplish our mission of raising the minimum standards of gun owners in America (more on that in just a moment) …

That’s why…

If You Provide Me With A Valid U.S. Mailing Address, I Will Send You My Patriot Pistol Book —FOR FREE!

My only request is you pay a reasonable $9.95 to help with the costs of printing, merchant processing fees, and shipping and handling.

Here’s a little more about what’s inside the Patriot Pistol book…

The 4 critical safety rules that practically guarantee you will NEVER have an accident with a gun!

First off, since the most important aspect of carrying a gun is safety, it’s a major part of our curriculum and one of the first things we will cover…

For instance, I once read an email from a 53-year-old father of two who was looking to purchase his first firearm…

“I’ve thought about getting a gun. However, I’m scared. The last thing I want is the gun to go off in my hands, my kids to find it and shoot and kill someone, me fumble with it when someone goes into my house, it misfiring in my car and hurting someone.”

If you’re new to guns, I bet you’ve had similar thoughts, and if so, it’s completely normal.

That’s why one of the first things we do is thoroughly cover the 4 critical gun safety rules.

If you follow these 4 simple rules, you’ll NEVER have to worry about having a firearms accident.

Better yet…

You’ll also discover when you should never handle a firearm (and why) … when to keep your firearm unloaded versus loaded… and much more.

And here’s my promise to you:

There’s nothing more important when it comes to firearms training than safety.

That’s why I guarantee that if you read and internalize the principles safety principles we share inside this manual, you’ll feel 100% comfortable when it comes to the handling of a firearm for self-defense.

And that’s just the beginning of what you’ll discover inside!

You’ll also discover…

Why choosing the WRONG Ammunition for your gun can be deadly...

One of the most important things you’ll discover concerns ammunition for your gun…

After all, you can’t do much with a gun if you don’t have the proper ammunition for it.

  • For instance, you’ll see how to ensure you always use the correct ammunition in your gun. (And the three easy ways to check for this.)

  • The critical difference between practice ammunition and self-defense ammunition. (And you’ll discover the critical characteristics to look for in self-defense ammo… including the top brands we trust our lives to)

  • And, you’ll get world class, cutting-edge information on the “stopping power” of various handgun rounds like .380, 9mm, .40 and .45 (the information you learn here will most likely surprise you!)

Holsters and Other Concealed Carry Gear

Of course, once you’ve chosen the right gun and ammunition for you, you will also need to know how to choose the right holster to carry your gun, right?

  • You’ll discover the best ways to carry a concealed firearm and even the holster(s) I and my world-class instructors personally use.

  • You’ll also learn about ankle holsters, shoulder holsters, cross draw holsters, appendix holsters and the pros and cons of each.

  • And if that wasn’t enough, you’ll discover other personal protection gear you should consider using, including knives, pepper spray and flashlights.

(You’ll get the names of the companies with the best gear. Also, how we set it all up.)

And that’s just the first few pages of this exciting book!

How would you like to be better trained than 99% of gun owners, including most military and police?

With the information inside your Patriot Pistol book, you’ll have that opportunity!

Our entire curriculum is based in not just getting your mindset ready to prepare for and defend against criminals…

But in teaching you the fundamentals of how to shoot with extreme accuracy, under extreme stress!

In fact, here are just a few more of the things you’ll find inside this book:

  • The proven handgun grip that the world’s fastest and most accurate shooters use… and how to make it “second nature” with your own gun

  • A little known secret that lets you quickly draw even when you’re carrying concealed — no matter what position your hands are in.

  • How to master a smooth trigger pull (this alone will push your accuracy through the roof!)

  • How to safely draw your gun from the holster and still get center mass hits in seconds

  • How to shoot one handed – and still be highly accurate (Perfect if you ever injure your other hand!)

  • Accuracy secrets from 3 yards all the way out to 15 yards. (Your groupings will be so tight, your family may accuse you of shooting at point blank range)

  • The counterintuitive secret to master recoil so your gun never leaves the target… regardless of how fast you pull the trigger
  • The best ways to reload your gun, quickly, even under the stress of someone attacking you

  • How to quickly and easily deal with the most common handgun malfunctions so you can get your gun back into the fight as quickly as possible

  • Fun and exciting shooting drills… including dry fire drills you can practice at home… no ammo needed

  • EXACTLY what you should say the moment you stop shooting someone who is trying to kill you… that could keep you out of jail!

  • Plus, what you MUST say to the police after defending yourself and what you should never, EVER do if they question you about the incident (ignoring this could lead to jail time at the worst, or millions in legal fees at best!)

  • And so much more

Whether you’ve been shooting since you were a kid or you’ve never even fired a shot before…

The information inside this book can help you master these life-saving skills!

And that’s still not all that’s inside.

You’ll also discover…

The TRUTH about Violence and Criminals:

  • The critical difference between social and asocial violence (once you understand this, you’ll never again be worried about pulling your gun at the wrong time or if you can legally defend yourself in any given situation)

  • How an ugly conversation can quickly turn into a brutal homicide (and how to make sure you’re never the victim)

  • How violent predators think and how you can use this against them to keep your family safe

  • The most likely places you’ll find human predators, and why you must be extra careful the next time you visit these spots

  • How to stand, talk, and act so that you do NOT look like a potential victim to violent criminals

(Research has consistently proven that human predators—most were convicted violent felons—can almost instantly look at a person and know whether they can victimize them. You must learn how to avoid the “victim look”)

And there’s so much more…

Your eyes will be opened and if you’ve never been involved in lethal, interpersonal violence—you’ll most likely be shocked as you learn about gut-wrenching actual crimes…

The truth is, this visceral learning about REAL violence is vitally important to drill this knowledge into your head and carve it into your memory so you never forget it.

And then possibly one of the most important parts of what’s covered inside (because it’s not all about shooting when it comes to defending yourself and the people you love)

Situational Awareness:

Put simply, you’ll discover the secret of avoiding a gun fight in the first place…

Which involves a color code that shows you how to spot danger earlier than most normal people…

This is without a doubt, the simplest way to protect yourself…

The truth is, this situational awareness training alone will almost make you “victim-proof”.

You’ll pick up a keen eye for criminal and unusual behavior…

And you’ll never look at the world again, as you’ll now be able to see it through the eyes of a trained, capable defender of life.

And there’s still more…

So much more in fact, that I don’t have the space to explain it all here.

That’s why instead of me trying to convince you about how crucial this information is for you and your family—I’ve arranged it so you can see it all for yourself FIRST, before you make a decision.

In other words, instead of asking you to trust me when I tell you how great this book is…

I’ll put my trust in you first, by giving you this valuable book FREE, so you can make up your own mind…

I can do this confidently, because I know the value of this information…

I’ve dedicated my entire adult life to learning and now teaching these proven skills far and wide…

And that’s why I’m absolutely CONVINCED it can help you too!

And that’s why I want to offer you a copy of this powerful book FREE today.

Again, all I ask is you invest just $9.95 to cover the costs of printing, merchant account fees, and shipping/handling.

But also, because I want to help you as much as humanly possible, I want to send you THREE more special gifts when you reserve your copy of the Patriot Pistol book today…

Free Gift #1

You Get My Online, 10-Minutes-Per Day Dryfire Book & Video Training Course -A $99 Value, Yours FREE!

As I said, dryfire practice is the #1 secret to becoming a better shooter.

So, I decided to go above-and-beyond for you and give you our Patriot Training Center 10-Minutes a Day, 30-Day Dryfire Program!

A short time ago, we hired a new employee here at Patriot Training Center named Craig…

He had NEVER even fired a handgun.

We gave him a few hours of teaching, showing him how to hold a pistol, press the trigger and use the sights…

Then he went to the range and tested his speed and accuracy by shooting a standard baseline assessment of shooting drills using a shot timer.

We recorded his score on the targets and wrote down his times…

Then over the next 30-days he wasn’t allowed to fire a single shot…

All he did was spend 10-minutes per day doing this 30-day dryfire program, that culminated with taking his first 2-day Patriot Pistol live training course with us…

And in the end…

He was THRILLED and AMAZED at the results!

• He was able to shave over 1.00 seconds off his draw from concealment to first shot…

• He was able to draw and shoot 3 rounds center mass in less than 3 seconds…

• And he narrowly missed qualifying as an IDPA “marksman”!

All this in just 30-days of dryfire practice using this EXACT program.

All this, with just 10-minutes per day of training…

And remember, he had NEVER touched a handgun before he started this 10-minutes per day program!

We recorded every single day of his practice sessions so you can follow along with him…

The fact is that when we release the program to the general public, it will retail for $99, which is already 90% LESS than our live training courses…

But because I’m on a mission to raise the minimum standards of gun owners across America, I’m not only giving you my Patriot Pistol book (which is the same curriculum as our $1,000 course!) but I’m also giving you this entire video training course, which gives you 30-days’ worth of daily, video training you can follow along with… absolutely FREE!

Speaking of minimum standards…

Free Gift #2

You Also Get The 3-Seconds Or Less Minimum Standard Drill Target and Video Training -(A $19 Value) Yours FREE!

What’s the minimum acceptable standard for someone that owns a handgun for home defense or conceal carry?

For years, gun training experts have debated this question…

And this is what we’ve developed here at Patriot Training Center.

We call it the 3-Seconds Or Less Minimum Standard Drill.

Now, to be clear, we do NOT believe that you should be required to pass any type of training to conceal carry…

And I 100% support permit-less Constitutional Carry because it’s your God-given right to armed self-defense…

However, as someone that owns and carries a firearm in public for the immediate defense of innocent life…

You SHOULD hold yourself to a minimum standard of performance… if you’re going to be carrying a loaded gun with you everywhere you go.

That’s why we developed the 3-Second Minimum Standard Drill…

And we also developed a specialized target for this drill…

This drill tests all the fundamental and basic skills that ALL gun owners in America should be able to competently perform if they’re going to own a gun for self-defense:

First, it shows if you can safely, quickly and efficiently load and unload your handgun…

After all, if you’re going to own a gun for self-defense, you need to be able to safely load it and unload it without endangering yourself or your family!

And then it tests the most important skills you need…

>> Drawing from concealment quickly
>> Getting 3 combat effective hits on an anatomically correct target
>> All in 3 seconds or less!

What you get here is everything you need…

You get a short video training explaining the 3-Second Minimum Drill Standard… how and why it was developed based on the data from over 40,000 real-life gunfights… the scoring… how to run it… and more.

You also get the downloadable and printable PDF target that you can print off your computer and take to the range.

And with my Patriot Pistol book, you’ll get the skills and knowledge transfer you need to pass it.

Combined with The 30-day dryfire program, you’ll get trained enough to pass it EASILY.

And the bottom line is, if you can pass this drill, then you can feel confident you have the minimum level of skills to carry your gun…

But again, it’s just a minimum, so it’s also a way to know that you’re ready to take a live-fire training course to really take your skills to the next level.

And even if you can pass this standard your first try at the range, all that simply means is you’re a beginner – a “white belt” so to speak in the martial art of the handgun – and now you’re ready to really improve!

Free Gift #3

You get my Amazon best-selling book, Concealed Carry 101 (a $19 Value) absolutely FREE!

It’s the perfect complement to the live Patriot Pistol book and gives you a ton of information if you plan to carry concealed, including…

• What you absolutely MUST know about Concealed Carry and the law (important info to keep you out of jail!)

• What happens AFTER you are forced to draw your gun (if you think it’s over when the shooting stops–you’re sadly mistaken. Important info anyone carrying a gun should know!)

• 3 rules of determining the best place to carry your gun on your body

And a whole lot more!

You’ll get instant digital access to all three of these gifts as soon as you claim your copy of the Patriot Pistol Book today.

Here's Everything You Get Today:

So, that’s 3 FREE gifts:

The Online Video Dryfire training course… the 3-Seconds or Less Minimum Standards video and target… and my #1 Amazon best-seller Concealed Carry 101.

And as I said, you can have all these gifts for no cost!

I’m giving this package away FREE (and actually losing money) for two very important reasons…

Number one, I’ve dedicated my entire adult life to learning and mastering these life-saving skills and now sharing them with others…

And after seeing hundreds of gun owners at live fire training courses…

And taking classes with hundreds of other gun owners, when I’ve been a student alongside them on the firing line here’s one thing I’ve learned…

The fact of the matter is there is a HUGE lack of handgun skills in America…

And while we lead the world in the number of firearms owned by civilians…

And this is a WONDERFUL thing…

The skill level of the average gun owner is pitiful at best…

And outright dangerous to themselves and the people they love at worst!

In short, I’m now on an unstoppable mission to provide FREE training to raise the minimum standards of every gun owner in America.

My goal is…

Even if you NEVER take additional training…

With what I’m providing here today…

I want to get you and every American up to and exceeding The 3-Seconds Or Less Minimum Standard Drill!

Number two, it’s my sincere belief that if I can help you now at no-cost…

And if you get results from what I’m offering you today…

That, one-day in the future, you’ll want to take a live, hands-on training course with me at my private training facility, The Patriot Training Center in Talladega, Alabama.

No obligation of course, but I believe so strongly in this mission that I’m willing to lose money to do it.

Because the truth is this:

The $9.95 I’m asking you to cover will only pay for a portion of the costs to send you this package. Plus, we have to advertise this website—and that costs a LOT of money.

That means I’m actually losing money for each person that requests these free gifts.
(For that reason, it’s important to note that your $9.95 shipping fee is non-refundable).

But I’m willing to lose money on this effort because I believe so strongly in this information and that it can truly help prepare you for what’s to come. And I believe it’s the most effective way to get this information into you hands, so you can make the final decisions if it ‘s worthy of your money.

The bottom line is:

You can get everything you need inside my Patriot Pistol book. And because I want to help you as much as possible, I will send you the 3 additional digital bonuses the moment I hear from you today.

Here’s Exactly What To Do, Right Now…

Claim your free package today, by clicking the button below to order it now.

When you click the link below, you’ll be taken to a 100% secure order form where you can review your order and tell us where we should send your free package.

(Clicking the order button does not commit you to anything, you will simply have the chance to review your order)

Again, you’ll receive everything I’ve promised you on this page—as soon as we get your order and drop your book in the mail—and your digital bonuses will be available immediately after you place your order.

Click The Button Below To Order Now:

Click here to get your FREE copy of the Patriot Pistol book
(You will be able to review your order before it’s final.)

Thank you for reading this message.


Caleb Lee
Founder, Patriot Training Center

Barry Had Been Shooting All His Life, But After This Class He Gained The Skills and Confidence He Needed To Carry His Gun Everyday!
Snooky Got Better At Drawing From The Holster and Shooting At 15yds - Says The Instructors Are Patient And Make You Feel Comfortable!
Chuck Said The Class Was So Educational and Fun He Would Not Hesitate To Recommend This Course to Other People!

Convinced You Already Know It All? Think You Don't Need Training?

... Check Out These Success Stories From Previous Students Who Grew Up Around Guns and Have Been Shooting Longer Than I Have Been Alive:

Jay Has Been Shooting For 55 YEARS, And Says You Will Not Regret Signing Up!

Ben Grew Up Around Guns and Shooting His Whole Life -- Astonished At How Little He Actually Knew... Now Has The Confidence To Carry Every Day!
Bill Is 70-yrs Young, Been Around Guns His Whole Life and Can't Believe How Much He Didn't Know... Now, He Has The Confidence He Needs, A Plan To Continue To Improve and Even Train The Rest of His Family!
Blane Is Retired Law Enforcement, Has Been Shooting Over 40 Years... ... Wishes He Learned These Skills 10 Years Ago and Recommends This Course To Everyone -- Active Duty Police Officers Too!

Perhaps You're a Complete Beginner?

This Curriculum Is Perfect For You Too...

Jack Has Only Been Shooting For About 3-Months, Just Started Carrying His Gun... After This Class, Says...

"Anyone That's Just Getting Started Is Only Cheating Themselves" If They Don't Take This Class:

Patriot Training Center 1581 Richeytown Rd, Eastaboga, AL 36260
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