2-Day Patriot Shotgun Class

If you would like to be better trained and prepared with your shotgun than 99% of gun owners, the 2-Day Patriot Shotgun course is for you! 

  • Become a confident, SAFE, shotgun owner!
  • Discover how to use the shotgun for home and personal defense! 
  • [UNLOCKED] Claim 6 FREE Gifts (worth $2,611) with your order. Only on this Special Offer page >>

Tuition Price:


2-Day Patriot Shotgun (Mar 1-2, 2025) - SOLD OUT

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"Who Else Wants To Learn These
Combat Shotgun Fighting Secrets?"

Discover How To Use The MOST Powerful Long Gun That’s LEAST Likely To Get Banned By Politicians…

Legendary firearms instructor Bill Jordan called the shotgun “the world’s greatest equalizer.”

I couldn’t agree more, which is why for many Americans it’s their #1 choice for self-defense.

After all, a single shell of 00 buckshot is close to the equivalent of shooting NINE rounds out of a 9mm handgun…

And of course, it’s much easier to hit what you’re aiming at when using a shotgun…

I don’t know about you, but in a life-or-death situation, I’d much rather have to shoot an attacker once with my shotgun than try to place NINE accurate rounds into the threat with my handgun!

It’s for this very reason that we’ve put so many years of time and effort into creating our 2-Day Patriot Shotgun Course.…

What is the 2-Day Patriot Shotgun Course?

>> This is NOT another written manual or video training

>> This is NOT training you take on the internet.

>> This is NOT just a basic “how to shoot skeet” shotgun course

>> This is a 2-day, LIVE, hands-on training event where you will discover how to effectively use and fight with your shotgun from CQB (Close Quarters Battle) distances of 7-10yds—all the way out to the effective range of 50yds with your shotgun!

This is exactly what you need if you own either a pump or semi-auto shotgun for any type of “social work”…

You need this class even if you only have your shotgun for home defense…

Or you want to know how to use it, if you and your neighbors ever have to team up to defend your community…

Or you simply have it because it’s fun to shoot at the range, and you want to increase and test your “scattergun” skills.

Either way, let me share with you the full details of the 2-Day Patriot Shotgun course so you can be better prepared to survive almost any dangerous situation that arises in the future.

How To Use The MOST Powerful Gun That’s LEAST Likely To Get Banned To Protect Your Family…

First off, we live in a day and age where our fundamental rights to armed self-defense as recognized and protected in the 2nd Amendment are under attack like never before…

Politicians (sometimes from both sides of the partisan divide) are constantly trying to pass new laws to take away our guns.

Thankfully, one of the most powerful, versatile and effective firearms ever invented—the shotgun—is the least likely of these guns to be banned!

In fact, none other than Joe Biden famously declared in 2013 to “Buy a shotgun. Buy a shotgun!” while he was simultaneously trying to ban AR-15’s and other semi-automatic rifles.

In short, while I do not think we are losing the war against guns…

I do believe that there are very smart reasons to own and know how to fight with the shotgun…

And one of those is because it’s the least politically charged weapons platform that you can own—even in “blue” states with draconian gun control laws—that will most likely be one of the LAST guns they try to ban…

That’s why I think it’s critical to learn these Defensive Shotgun skills today, before it’s too late.

You see, the 2-Day Patriot Shotgun course is designed for what is commonly called “combat” shotguns.

Your instructor will personally be using a pump-action shotgun, but we will also cover the best semi-auto shotguns in use today and how to run them (because the technology is improving so rapidly, they’re becoming a better option for many if not most people) …

If you’ve never taken a proper training course with your shotgun, then don’t worry…

Even if you’re a total beginner, this class is perfect for you!

So, let’s talk about the experience you’ll have during these 2 exciting days…

First, you’ll come out to my private range in Alabama.

(More on that in just a moment) …

And the morning of the first day, you’ll start off in the classroom.

That way everyone has the same foundation in safety and proper firearms handling…

As well as the proper mindset and attitude you’ll need to effectively protect yourself and your family with the shotgun.

How to use the shotgun for devastating home and personal defense...

First, we’ll make sure everyone has their shotgun setup correctly… and make any changes that we know will make your life easier.

Then, one of the first things we’ll do is cover the #1 most important combat shotgun fighting position—the one you’re most likely to use in a real-life defensive situation.

You’ll see the absolute best way to hold, grip and mount the shotgun…

Along with how to position your body and your stance—so that you have maximum control over your “scattergun” and you can tame the recoil that most other people struggle with!

We’ll focus on close-quarters-combat (CQB) and you’ll see how to fight with your shotgun when an attacker may be just an arm’s length away (such as during a home invasion).

Of course, we’ll cover much more than that, including…

  • How to avoid (and almost completely eliminate) the “kick” of the shotgun. This technique will help you avoid a bruise on your shoulder and any discomfort when firing the gun.

  • The smartest way to stop a home intruder using your shotgun. (This has NOTHING to do with the noise the gun makes when racking a round!)

  • The best way to carry your shotgun when you think someone is in your house. (And the one thing you never, ever want to do.)

  • How to quickly load the shotgun when your life is on the line. (You’ll discover the difference between administrative and combat reloads.)

  • The fundamentals of shotgun marksmanship so you’ll know the proper stance and grip if you ever have to use the gun to defend yourself.

  • Why you must be aware of shotgun “patterning” so you know what distances you can safely fire from. (you’ll discover exactly what YOUR shotgun barrel does with YOUR ammo at various distances.)

  • The single #1 most important shotgun drill to practice and how to easily do this on your own.

  • And much, MUCH MORE!

Keep in mind:

This is a defensive shotgun course that will teach you how to survive and protect your family.

The majority of our shooting will take place at 15 yards and closer, which is where the shotgun is most effective and where almost all shotgun engagements take place for both civilians and police.

But, that’s just a small sample of what you’ll experience during day ONE of your weekend adventure…

Day Two Is When You Really Test And Develop Your Shotgun Fighting Skills!

The fact is, there is a ton of incorrect, and potentially DEADLY misinformation is out there when it comes to the shotgun…

For instance, many people believe you don’t have to “aim” the shotgun

You just point it in the direction of the bad guy and “let it rip”…

And you’ll hit them no matter what…

This is just simply not true…

As you can see from the image below…

At close distances – like the typical room size of an American home of 10yds or less—the “pattern” of a shotgun is still VERY tight…

In fact, the spread pattern has barely opened up at ALL in close quarters…

Which means, just like your pistol or rifle, you absolutely MUST hone your marksmanship skills with the shotgun for home defense!

That’s why we spend so much time on shotgun marksmanship during this course…

Especially because of the great penetration of shotgun loads—in a home defense situation, you do NOT want to miss…

Even more critical…

Because of the spread of shotgun patterns—your accuracy is even more important, because you don’t want to hit innocent people too!

One of the biggest benefits to the shotgun is also one of the biggest dangers…

That is, because the shotgun fires multiple projectiles all at once that spread out in a pattern the further the distance…

It increases your hit probability dramatically…

And of course, it gives you REAL stopping power…

But, compared to a rifle, this is actually more dangerous because it increases the danger that you could hit an innocent bystander too!

That’s why anyone that tells you accuracy or marksmanship with a shotgun is not important is simply ignorant of the facts…

And you might say that shotgun marksmanship is one of the #1 most important things to learn!

Now, you can help mitigate many of these issues by choosing the proper self-defense shotgun shells we show you (there’s one particular brand that helps ensure all your buckshot goes only where you want it), but it still requires practice on the range to get it right.

That’s why day two, now that you’ve got the fundamentals, we really hone in your accuracy with the shotgun!

In fact, you’ll see how to get downright surgical with the shotgun—and how you could even take a hostage shot with this versatile platform if you really needed to!

But that’s not all, you’ll also see…

  • How to perform the “combat slug changeover”—so you can quickly switch ammo types for any scenario.

  • The simple technique and reloading method that keeps your shotgun running as fast a semi-auto rifle (You’ll discover the sound of “rolling thunder” in class!)

  • The #1 most common malfunction that YOU can cause on a pump-action shotgun (and the best technique to almost completely eliminate this failure)

  • The most common semi-auto shotgun malfunction and how to quickly fix it!

  • How to clear double-feeds, stovepipes, and other shotgun malfunctions with ease (even under the stress of a life-or-death situation!)

  • The tactics of dealing with multiple intruders in your home. (And exactly what to do with your shotgun if you ever find yourself in this situation.)

And there’s so much more…

The bottom line is this:

By the end of these 2 amazing days of training, you’ll be an entirely different human!

Bill Dickerson took this class because he has a "deep duty to protect his family"
--Bill Dickerson, PA
Clark drove 8 hours to attend this Shotgun training and was completely satisfied!
-- Clark Sann
Coy Marlar grew up around guns, but this training gave him the confidence to handle his shotgun in a self-defense situation - drove all the way from Texas and it was worth it!
--Coy Marlar, Texas
Shawn was a total beginner and loved the class!
-- Shawn Geiken
Joe had never even picked up a shotgun until the day of the class - says he was apprehensive at first, but LOVED the class!
--Joe D.
Charles used shotguns his whole life, but now his self-defense skills are becoming more automatic and highly recommends this and every other class!
-- Charles Thomas
Sylvanus took this course after taking the rifle training - traveled all the way from Washington DC to continue taking training!
- Sylvanus B, Washington DC

An Outrageous Double Guarantee So This is 100% Risk FREE for You

I can’t possibly make it any easier for you to “Try this first, then decide”.

You risk nothing.

I’m putting all the risk here on my own shoulders…

Because I have full confidence that this training works…

Sound fair enough?


Then click the link below to reserve your spot right away.

Guarantee #1:
You Get A 100% Money-Back Satisfaction Guarantee

Reserve your spot, come out and take the Patriot Shotgun class yourself…

Enjoy the 2-days of life-changing training…

Shooting on the range…

Meeting like-minded people…

And after two whole days of training, if for some reason you don’t think this class has changed your life forever…

If you’re not THRILLED and AMAZED at the experience…

If you haven’t seen a real, measurable improvement in your shooting ability…

Then simply walk up to your instructor on the spot, or contact my customer support team by phone or email after the class and you can get a full, no hassle refund.

As if that wasn’t enough, here’s…

As if that wasn’t enough, here’s…

Guarantee #2:
I’ll Pay YOU $1,500 If You Believe I Wasted Your Time!

If after the 2-day Patriot Shotgun class…

And you earn your certificate (with a passing score on your final shooting qualification)…

You can look me or one of my instructors in the eye and honestly say that the class was a waste of your time…

If you didn’t learn anything new…

If you thought it was a total waste of your 2-days time…

Then not only will I refund you every penny of your $1,500 tuition fee…

But I’ll actually pay you $1,500 out of my own pocket, just for wasting your time!

Ready to get started?

Order Online Any Time
24 Hours a Day / 7 Days a Week / 365 Days a Year

Frequently Asked Questions:

Most frequent questions and answers

"What is the 2-Day Patriot Shotgun Class?

Simply put: this is a LIVE training class offered to civilians who want to be trained to the highest levels in defensive shotgun skills at my Patriot Training Center range in Talladega, AL.

This live training was designed specifically to teach you how to use and protect your family with a pump or semi-auto shotgun (your choice). Even if you’ve never shot a shotgun before, by the end of this class you’ll be better trained than 99% of gun owners (including most law enforcement and military!)

This is not a book, DVD, video, or other online course. This is not a sit and listen lecture.

This is a 2-day LIVE, hands-on training class where you get to learn from one of the best instructors I’ve ever had the pleasure of working with.

"WHEN and WHERE is the Class? What are the dates?"

The next class is being held during the dates above in Eastaboga, AL at my private training facility, The Patriot Training Center.

All the exact details as to where the range is located, hotel recommendations, and other details will be sent to you after you sign up.

"What if I’m not in good shape or I’m old or have XYZ health problem"

Our instructor has taught hundreds of students from ages as young as 21 to as old as 60+ years of age. There is probably a way you can take this class if YOU truly want to.

That said, please watch the videos on this page to see the type of shooting and moving that you will be doing. You do NOT have to move as fast or as “dynamically” as the people in these videos, but you do need to be able to move.

On a personal note, if the type of movements in the video look like something you can not do… then you need to seriously considering improving your health and losing weight because if you ever have to defend yourself in REAL LIFE, criminals will NOT take it easy on you just because you’re old and out of shape.

In other words, you should strive not to be in as good as shape as you were when you were younger. Nor should you try to be the “the fittest man or woman in the world” but the “fittest YOU that you can be”. Nothing else will improve your survivability as being in the best shape you can physically be. Period.

"How do I fly with my handgun?"

It’s actually pretty simple. And as a bonus, you are less likely to lose your baggage because if the airline loses your bag with a firearm in it—they have to report to the Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) about how they made such a huge mistake! The TSA guidelines can be found here. However, you should not only follow those guidelines, but also check with your individual airline as well because they all may have different rules/regulations.

"What if I don’t have a concealed carry permit?"

There is no concealed carry permit required to take this course.

"How many people can attend?"

This class is strictly limited in size to just 10-15 because we want to keep the instructor-to-student ratio small, so that there can be personal attention for anyone that needs it. That said, we only have a few seats left at the time of this writing.

"When is the next class?"

We have classes pretty much every month. But this is one of the few times we’ve offered such an extreme amount of gifts and bonuses to fill the last seats of this upcoming class. If you’re at all interested you should sign up now, because there are no guarantees we will offer this class at such an extreme discount again.

"What equipment will I need?"

A very complete and full “prep list” is sent to students before class. But, you will need your shotgun (pump or semi-auto is fine), a sling (optional, but can be helpful), and an easy way to carry extra ammo for the shotgun—such as a side saddle or buttstock cuff.

Please bring the following shotgun ammo:
-100 rounds minimum of birdshot (more if you have it, 250 would be more than enough).
-50 rounds of buckshot you intend to use for “duty”/self-defense (if you have it, if not, any buckshot).
-20 rounds of slugs (if you have it).

Bring more if you have it and want to. If you are running a semi-auto shotgun, please make sure the ammo you bring will reliably function in your shotgun before class.

(You will also of course need all the safety equipment such as eye and ear protection).

"Hi Caleb. I am very interested in this program. Can you tell me what additional expenses might be, such as ammunition, etc?"

After you sign up, you will get an email explaining exactly what you need to bring to the training course.

To answer your question about ammo specifically, the curriculum has been designed to shoot at least 100 rounds of birdshot, around 50 rounds of the buckshot and 20 slugs. The easiest way to do this is to just order the ammunition online—you can buy 500 rounds at a discount—and have it shipped to Patriot Training Center with your name on it (my assistant Josh can help you with this after you sign up). Or you can travel and bring it with you. You can also contact us if you want to purchase ammo from us directly because we are an FFL (gun shop).

"What if I’m not a good shot? Or I’m new to firearms? I don’t want to embarrass myself ... should I be better or practice before I come?"

Don’t worry! Our master instructor has taught all types of people with all kinds of experience to include special operations level to people who have never even fired a gun before.

All that matters is that you follow the safety rules you’ll learn and he’ll take care of the rest. Do NOT worry about “looking good” or “shooting poorly” during the class.

This is not a contest to see how good you shoot—this is about helping you learn more skills so that you can better protect yourself and your loved ones.

"Can My Child Attend? What are the AGE Requirements?"

We 100% encourage and absolutely would love to train your whole family, including your children!

You would buy a seat like any other student and the minimum age is 11 if taking the course with a parent or guardian. The parent or guardian MUST be the one working with the child during the entire course, and be responsible for only ONE child. In other words, you are responsible for your child and you understand that if something is unsafe we may have to address that and/or remove them from the line. Children age 10 and under are not allowed. Unattended minors are NOT allowed on the property. They must be escorted by a parent or guardian at all times or be enrolled in an appropriate course.

Please do bring your family and get your children training as soon as you, as their parent, believe they are responsible enough to take the training. (If you have any questions about any of this, simply contact us by phone or email with any questions).

Ready to get started?

Order Online Any Time
24 Hours a Day / 7 Days a Week / 365 Days a Year