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Best-Selling Author and NRA, USCCA, Rangemaster Master Certified Instructor Reveals…

Why I Will Give You This

FREE $1,099 Mil-Spec
Colt AR-15 Carbine!

Plus, 8 MORE Tactical Gifts Described Below
–a total value of $4,775!

Because I Want To PROVE I Can Train You In Just 2 Fun & Exciting Days To Shoot A Rifle Better Than 97% of Military & Police
From Close Quarters Room-Distance
—All The Way Out To 300+yds!

Register for the next LIVE
2-Day Patriot Rifle Course on January 25-26, 2025


Only 10 Seats Left!

Dear American Patriot,

I want to flat out GIVE YOU a brand-new, Colt AR-15 Mil-Spec Carbine FREE

This is practically identical to the Colt M4 Carbines that are issued to our brave U.S. Military (with the only exception is due to Federal laws it’s not full-auto and the barrel is the 16” minimum legal length).

The fact is, it’s the classic “American Rifle” and recognized the world over as the choice of our armed forces…

The retail value is $1,099 but like I said I’ll give it to you FREE today!

Plus, as long as you’re lucky enough to say YES before this offer expires…

I’ll even give you the best, most rugged rifle sling so you can carry it…

And a complete Firearms Cleaning Kit

Plus, 4 MORE Tactical Gifts & Bonuses (a total of $4,775 in value)… ALL FREE!

I’ll tell you all about why this Colt AR-15 is so great in just a moment, but first…

There IS a catch here…

This is an extremely limited and time-sensitive situation.

And I’m only doing it for 2 very specific reasons:

One, because I want to do something outrageous to promote a special event I’m hosting in just a few short weeks…

And two, because I want to get you armed and trained as FAST as humanly possible.

Who Am I And Why Am I Willing To Spend My Own Money To Give You a FREE Colt AR-15?

If we haven’t met yet, my name is Caleb Lee and I’m the founder of Patriot Training Center.

I’m an NRA Certified Instructor… USCCA Certified Instructor… and Rangemaster Master Level Instructor…

I’m also the author of the #1 Amazon Best-Selling book Concealed Carry 101 and the founder of popular gun blog…

You’re getting this letter because, if I’m right about you, you’re someone who believes in the founding principles of our country which includes being a self-reliant, gun-owning American…

America Was Once A Nation Of Rifleman...

In our modern world, the handgun is the most important firearm to learn how to use first, because you can conceal it and carry it with you everywhere you need to go to protect yourself and your family…

But, learning how to use a rifle is something every American should strive to master as well…

On April 19, 1775, at Lexington and Concord, American colonists stood with muskets in hand and faced down the British forces that were trying to seize their arms…

The colonists didn’t just have grit, determination and amazing courage…

They were successful because they were real rifleman!

They knew how to properly battlefield zero their rifles…

They knew how to rapidly load, re-load and keep their rifles running…

They were expert marksman, who could fight at close-quarters with the rifle—and also nail man-sized targets all the way out to hundreds of yards…

And because they were properly trained and prepared—they were able to use their skills in pursuit of liberty.

As Americans, you and I are the descendants of those fearless men and women who earned our freedom on the battlefields of the Revolutionary War.

In short…

Owning And Mastering A Rifle Is Your American Heritage!

It’s because modern riflecraft is so important that we’ve put years of time and effort into creating our 2-Day Patriot Rifle Course.

>> This is NOT another written manual or video training

>> This is NOT training you take on the internet.

>> This is NOT just a basic long-distance, marksmanship course for the rifle

>> This is a 2-day, LIVE, hands-on training event where you will discover how to effectively use and fight with your rifle from CQB (Close Quarters Battle) distances of 7-10yds—all the way out to 300+yds.

This is exactly what you need if you own an AR-15 or AKM or any other modern, semi-automatic, box magazine fed rifle/carbine…

And, the fact is, you need this class even if you only have your rifle for home defense…

Or you want to know how to use it if you and your neighbors ever have to team up to defend your neighborhood…

Or you simply have it because it’s fun to shoot at the range.

Either way, let me share with you the full details of the 2-Day Patriot Rifle course so you can be better prepared to survive almost any dangerous situation that arises in the future.

The 2-Day Patriot Rifle Course Shows You How To Use The Rifle To Protect Your Family...

First off, this course is designed for what they commonly call “military-style” rifles.

Your instructor will personally be using an AR-15, but an AKM pattern rifle, Ruger Mini-14, FAL, or other similar semi-automatic, magazine-fed rifles will work perfectly too.

If you’ve never taken a proper training course with your rifle, then don’t worry…

Even if you’re a total beginner, this class is perfect for you!

So, let’s talk about the experience you’ll have during these 2 exciting days…

First, you’ll come out to my private range in Alabama.

(more on that in just a moment) …

And the morning of the first day, you’ll start off in the classroom.

That way everyone has the same foundation in safety and proper firearms handling…

As well as the proper mindset and attitude you’ll need to become a true Rifleman.
Some of the things you’ll discover include:

>> Why the Rifle is the #1 tool to protect yourself, your family and if necessary, America’s freedom.

The rifle is unique in that it can do everything a pistol can do… but better.

Using a rifle at pistol ranges will greatly increase your effectiveness and lethality.

It also allows you to extend your effectiveness to hundreds of yards away…

You’ll see why the rifle has been so effective throughout not just American history, but the entire world, in winning, protecting and preserving freedom for civilians who value freedom everywhere.

>> Why using a rifle as a civilian is completely different than military and police!

There are a lot of great trainers out there with military and law enforcement backgrounds who teach civilians how to use the rifle for self-defense…

This is great, and many of them are excellent trainers, but there is definitely a HUGE difference between being a civilian who has a rifle…

And a soldier who not only has more freedom in rules of engagement, but he also has a team of other soldiers all covering his back—all of them with rifles too.

Even law enforcement officers have different rules of engagement with the rifle than civilians—and backup is a quick call on the radio away…

All this is to say, that we will cover the differences in mindset, application and context for civilians when it comes to using the rifle for self-defense of yourself and your loved ones…

When it may be you and ONLY you who has to fight with the rifle…

Some of this info you may find surprising or may never have thought of, but it’s crucial to lay this foundation before learning how to fight with the rifle.

>> Everything you need to know about proper Battlefield zeros – and which zero (50 yards, 100yds, etc) is best for you!

Without a proper, accurate zero, you simply can not use your rifle effectively.

But the fact of the matter is, there are many improperly zeroed rifles in the hands of Americans today…

Even worse, if they are properly zero’d they are probably using an outdated or incorrect zero distance…

Worse, many civilians today use the wrong zero just because they copy what the military or police are using…

We’ll explain and examine all the popular zero distances for the modern rifle—25yds, 36yds, 50yds, 100yds, and more—then show you what we think the BEST zero is for the civilian context of using the rifle.

My guess is that you’ll find yourself already having many “ah ha” moments in just these first few hours of the day.

Then you’ll hit the range to discover the forgotten secrets of American Rifleman that allowed our Nation’s founders to win our independence!

First, we’ll start with confirming the zero of our rifles and if necessary, get yours properly zeroed.

(You should come to class with a zeroed rifle, but we will confirm everyone’s zero first thing on the range)

That’s because as you’ll discover—without a reliable, accurate zero, your rifle is useless.

We’ll also introduce you to the simple, no-nonsense method we use to zero rifles quickly.

By using our method, you no longer will struggle with zeroing your rifle or waste a ton of ammo…

In most cases we can get you properly zeroed with just ONE standard capacity magazine (30rds or less)

Next, we’ll get down to business.

You’ll learn and master the 4 most important combat rifle fighting positions—the ones you’re most likely to use in a real-life defensive situation.

You’ll learn to shoot the rifle from several different positions…

Standing, the kneeling position, the prone position – a total of 5 important positions in all.

We’ll do a series of malfunction drills so that if your rifle ever jams you can quickly clear it and get back on target.

We will focus on close quarters combat with the rifle and you’ll see how to handle situations when an attacker may be just an arm’s length away… such as during a home invasion.

Of course, we’ll also cover handgun transition drills and much more, including…

  • The three fundamentals of rifle marksmanship. Once you understand these fundamentals it will be literally IMPOSSIBLE for you to not quickly improve your accuracy.

  • The single biggest mistake riflemen make and how to avoid it. (This causes the rifle to malfunction almost every time.)

  • How to shoot your rifle at all handgun distances 50%-100% FASTER and more ACCURATELY (this is one of the biggest benefits of the rifle vs the pistol at 25yds and in—it’s like shooting a pistol on “easy mode”!)

  • How offset works and why you must know this before you fire a single shot from your rifle (especially if you intend to use it for home defense!)

  • What you MUST know about a proper trigger finger press and how to use it to be more accurate

  • The best place to hold your rifle with your support hand, strong hand, and how much pressure you should be applying with each.

  • The #1 secret of becoming an accurate rifleman (I’ll demonstrate this simple technique first thing in class.)

  • What you must know about shooting from behind cover so you don’t accidentally shoot yourself or destroy your gun.

  • How to achieve surgical marksmanship with your rifle during home defense so (God-forbid) you can take out a criminal holding a loved one hostage with one well aimed shot

  • The secret to shooting while moving and still getting your hits (simple once you know how)

  • How to engage multiple targets quickly and accurately even under stress

  • The absolute FASTEST way to reload your rifle and a second technique that may be more effective for you (depends on your body type, rifle, and the environment)

  • And much, MUCH MORE!

Keep in mind:

This is a defensive rifle course that will teach you how to survive and protect your family.

The majority of our shooting on day one will take place at 25 yards and closer, which is where most rifle encounters take place for both civilians and police.

Especially this first day…

This is because the while most people might thing of using the rifle for extremely long distances, the rifle actually works BETTER and more effectively than a handgun at “pistol distances”.

In fact, it’s one of the best firearms you can use at this distance.

And that’s just a small sample of what you’ll experience during day ONE of your weekend adventure…

It’s important to understand that by the end of day one, you will most likely see REAL improvement in your shooting skills, no matter your age, level of experience, or physical condition…

That’s exactly what I experienced, when I took my first live rifle training course from a true professional…

What’s even more impressive is that my wife, who had never had any professional firearms training was shooting at least 50% better by the end of her first day of live fire training…

And my father, who is almost 70 with failing eye sight also saw exciting improvements in his accuracy by the end of just one day of professional live training and those few short hours on the range…

In other words, if you’ve never had any professional firearms training, prepared to be amazed by how quickly you improve once you learn how to shoot the “correct” way.

And if you have had training in the past, or you practice on your own and you seem to be “stuck” at a certain skill level—I can guarantee this will help you improve as well!

Day two is when you learn how to combine your pistol skills with your rifle skills and see how to take your shots out to 100’s of yards...

The famed American Rifleman from the Revolutionary War were said to make an accurate shot at 300+ yards with a muzzle loading rifle and basic iron sights…

Certainly, with today’s rifles, the American Rifleman could do even better!

The fact of the matter is that being able to hit targets at distances greater than 100yds is a uniquely American Rifleman skill…

This skill is one of the main reasons that a group of freedom fighting American civilians were able to defeat the professional British Army and win our independence.

It’s for this reason that we make sure you will shoot at distances greater than 100yds with your rifle.

In fact, we will take you all the way out to getting combat effective hits out to 300+yds!

You’ll discover that a trained Rifleman is able to own the distance for as far as his eye can see.

During Day two you’ll discover…

  • How to quickly and easily transition to your pistol if your rifle malfunctions or runs out of ammo (you’ll see the #1 biggest mistake most people make with this critical skill)

  • Why you commonly MISS at long-range targets—and the 3 biggest fundamentals you have to really focus on to make hits 100’s of yards away

  • What you absolutely MUST know about your zero and how it affects your “hold overs” and even “hold-unders” when you start shooting past 100yds (most people don’t know this!)

  • How to estimate range of targets, even if you’re not working on a “known-distance” range

  • How to make long-distance shots out to 300+yds with iron sights, red dots, holographic sights or LPVO’s (Low-Powered Variable Optics) (whatever gear you bring, we’ll show you how to use it!)

  • What you absolutely MUST know about using cover at extended engagement distances (including when it’s OK to use your environment to brace for a shot and when you absolutely should not)

  • How to use your body’s “natural point of aim” to enhance your speed and accuracy at distance

And there’s so much more…

The fact is…

Whether you’ve been shooting since you were a kid or you’ve never even fired a shot before…

The fact is…

Whether you’ve been shooting since you were a kid or you’ve never even fired a shot before…

Because of our proprietary curriculum utilizing the most advanced adult-learning mechanisms...

In Just 2-days of training, you'll be able to shoot better than 99% of gun owners…

... That includes most military and law enforcement!

But the best (and most exciting) part about this class…

Is it has been designed and organized using multiple “quick learn” mechanisms and the latest science in “adult learning modalities” …

Our entire curriculum was designed with these advanced adult-learning mechanisms that most other firearms courses simply do NOT utilize:

** Differentiated Instruction – so that all students no matter where they’re starting from, can learn these skills according to their individual needs.

** Interleaving – for better learning without cognitive overload, better long-term memory retention, and applicability to real-world use.

** Extraneous cognitive load reduction – so that the maximum amount of “short-term memory” learning over the course gets embedded into your long-term memory…

And many other truly cutting-edge and scientifically sound methodologies…

So that you can truly get this stuff FAST (practically instantly, really) …

Even if you have ZERO practical skills or training now.

In fact…

• You do NOT need any previous training, know-how or shooting skills at all

If you have never fired a gun… never even picked up a gun…

Or even if guns SCARE you right now, because you don’t understand them or think they’re dangerous – for whatever reason…

Literally ZERO experience is required…

• You do NOT need to be young, strong or “in shape”

Being strong and fit is one of the BEST things you can do to increase your survivability…

However, it’s simply not a requirement for this class…

If you’re over the age of 50, your knees and joints ache and you have a bad back, as long as you can lift your gun and you’re able to walk around… you have all the fitness you need for this class!

• The fact is: all you really need to get the most out of this class is the burning desire to become the protector your loved ones deserve.

To want to stop walking in fear …

To want to be the hero your loved ones can count on …

To want to know the simple gun-handling skills, shooting techniques and defensive strategies necessary to survive practically any self-defense situation you could possibly encounter in the increasingly dangerous and chaotic world we live in.

In short, just attending this class once will, literally, transform you.

That’s because once you’ve experienced this live training, your mind will never be the same again.

You’ll be a completely different person.

You’ll never enter a room and look at it or the people inside in the same way…

Instead, you’ll start to see the world through the eyes of a trained defender…

And when that “switch” gets flipped, deep down inside, you’ll transform into the type of person that your loved ones know…

Just by looking at the sense of calm and confidence in your eyes — they can count on YOU if the You-Know-What-Hits-The-Fan.

The bottom line is this:

By the end of these 2 amazing days of training, you’ll be an entirely different human!

Don't Just Take My Word For It... Listen to Just a Few of the Students Who've Already Taken This Course:

"I've Been Around Guns All My Life... This Course Took Me To a Whole New Level... I'm So Glad I Brought My 16-yr Old Daughter!"
-- Bill Leonard
"I Had ZERO Experience, and Amazed At How Much I Learned and How EASY It Was To Learn!"
-- Oscar Bello
"It Was My First Time Ever Touching or Shooting an AR-15 - Now I Feel Confident!"
-- Donna Thornton
"Had An AR-15 For Years, Never Knew How To Operate Them -- Anybody Who Wants To Learn Should Come Here!"
-- Rick Thornton
"Practically ZERO Experience... Way More Confident Now - Always Someone Watching and Keeping You Safe!"
--Jacek Jednynak
"No Rifle Experience... Now I'm More Confident I Can Protect Myself and My Community if SHTF!"
-- Lubomir Jankech

What you learn is great, but that’s not all…

Because here’s quite possibly the BEST part…

While you’re learning serious topics like saving your life and the lives of your loved ones…

You’re going to be THRILLED and AMAZED at how much FUN you’re having!

Yes, some of these topics are serious and maybe even disturbing when you get down to the realities of true violence…

But here’s my promise to you…

This is NOT a bootcamp…

There are no “macho” instructors trying to belittle you or make you feel inferior…

Nobody is going to yell at you or make you drop and do pushups…

And the people you meet there are going to be just like you – true American Patriots who want to become trained protectors of their loved ones…

People who want to become better people…

Normal people like you.

And I can promise you…

ESPECIALLY if this is your first live training class…

When you hit the range to start shooting – you’re going to be having the absolute time of your life!

So at this point, you’re probably wondering what it costs to attend this amazing class?

Well the fact of the matter is it’s not cheap…

In fact, some people may think it’s expensive…

But before we get to the investment for this one-of-a-kind class…

Let me ask you a simple question…

“How much did you spend on the last gun you bought?”

The AR-15 is the most popular rifle in America…

Most AR-15’s start around $1,000 and many go for $1,500 or more…

Now, here’s a fun fact…

According to the 2021 National Firearms Survey, by the professional survey firm Centiment…

The average gun owner owns 5 firearms…

Of course, I own WAY more than that…

Even still, the chances are if you’re simply an “average” gun owner…

Buying “average” guns…

You’ve easily spent $2,500 to $7,500 on your gun collection…

And I love buying guns as much as… or my wife would say probably MORE than the next guy.

But the fact of the matter is that just having a gun, as you’ve learned here today, is NOT enough…

You need the skills to be able to use it.

Let me ask you, how much is it worth for you personally to NEVER feel afraid again that you would let down your loved ones because you couldn’t protect them?

How much is it worth to have the type of skills that put you in the rarified air of the top 1% of gun owners in America?

How much is it worth to NEVER wonder if you have what it takes…

If in the middle of the night, a gang of thugs picked your home to invade…

If during the next crisis, gangs of violent rioters are rampaging down your streets – destroying houses and property and targeting your home next…

Imagine for a second, really feel what that would be like…
What would be a fair price to know with absolute certainty – you could protect yourself and your loved ones?

If you’re being completely honest with yourself, I’d bet you’d say that the $2,000 or more the average gun owner has spent on guns would be totally fair to feel that type of confidence…

… to know you have the power to take out a violent threat if justified…

Heck, I bet you’d think that was downright cheap to never feel “Doubt” or “worry” about your family…

I mean $2,000 is a lot of money, but when you look at it like a lifetime insurance policy for your family’s protection…

It seems pretty affordable, doesn’t it?

Yet, after being a husband, a father, and doing whatever I can to protect and provide for my own family…

I know that even when you want something so much and KNOW it’s a great deal…

Sometimes it feels a little “selfish” to do give yourself something you desperately need…

Which is why I’m going to take a big risk here.

Not a risk for you, but the risk is on me…

You see, my mission in life now is to help guys like you get the skills they need to protect themselves and their families.

And I’m willing to take a big risk to help you to help yourself…

Here’s how…

We’ve already agreed that the Patriot Rifle class is worth at least $2,000…

But, here’s the good news…

The published price of this 2-day training course…

Is only $1,500!

As you can see from the screenshot from our main website that’s open to the public – $1,500 is the published price for this training course.

And it’s already a bargain for two whole days of life-saving training you simple can’t get anywhere else…

But for you (and for a limited time) – I’m doing something even more crazy…

... Because there are limited spots in this class...

And based on the views that I think this page will get…

If you don’t take action today, you could come back tomorrow and this offer might already be gone!

Keep in mind, because of inflation and the rising costs of everything – even though we’ve already raised the price since our first class…

I’m virtually certain we’ll have to raise the tuition price of all training in the near future too.

And just to remove every excuse your brain might be trying to come up with to talk you out of doing this for yourself…

You don’t risk one hard-earned penny of your money today because…

I’m going to back up everything I said here and…

Give You An Outrageous

Double- Guarantee

so this is Risk-FREE for You!

Here’s the deal…

I don’t want ANYTHING to get in the way of you getting the training that you need…

So all you need to do is say “Maybe!”… and give this a shot yourself.

That’s why I’m going to cover you with an outrageous DOUBLE-Guarantee!

Guarantee #1:
You Get A 100% Money-Back Satisfaction Guarantee

Reserve your spot, come out and take the Patriot Rifle class yourself…

Enjoy the 2-days of life-changing training…

Shooting on the range…

Meeting like-minded people…

And after two whole days of training, if for some reason you don’t think this class has changed your life forever…

If you’re not THRILLED and AMAZED at the experience…

If you haven’t seen a real, measurable improvement in your shooting ability…

Then simply walk up to your instructor on the spot, or contact my customer support team by phone or email after the class and you can get a full, no hassle refund.

As if that wasn’t enough, here’s…

Guarantee #2:
I’ll Pay YOU $1,500 If You Believe I Wasted Your Time!

If after the 2-day Patriot Rifle class…

And you earn your certificate (with a passing score on your final shooting qualification)…

You can look me or one of my instructors in the eye and honestly say that the class was a waste of your time…

If you didn’t learn anything new…

If you thought it was a total waste of your 2-days time…

Then not only will I refund you every penny of your $1,500 tuition fee…

But I’ll actually pay you $1,500 out of my own pocket, just for wasting your time!

That makes this essentially a…

Love It Or Get Double-Your-Money Back Guarantee!

I can’t possibly make it any easier for you to “Try this first, then decide”.

You risk nothing.

I’m putting all the risk here on my own shoulders…

Because I have full confidence that this training works…

Sound fair enough?


Then click the link below to reserve your discounted spot right away.

Your LIVE Tactical Training Course Takes Place At My Private Training Facility In Talladega, Alabama...

The live training class takes place at my 33 acre facility called the Patriot Training Center just outside of Talladega, Alabama…

Currently, we have 10 pistol ranges, 3 rifle ranges (with targets out to 600+yds) and a SWAT style outdoor “shooting house”…

And because of the size of the property…

We have plenty of room to grow and expand… with multiple improvements already planned…

The range has been designed from the ground up to provide a SAFE, supportive environment where patriots from around the world can come train…

Getting to Patriot Training Center is easy, as you can see from the inner red circle in the map image, it’s just a 4-hour drive from many of the Southeastern States

And the outer blue circle is a 500 mile radius to the range…

That means…

Even if you live as far north as Indiana, Ohio, or Illinois…

Or as far East as Virginia, North & South Carolina…

As far south as Tampa Florida…

Or as far West as Oklahoma, Texas or Missouri…

You’re only an 8-hour or less drive to our facility!

Or you can fly in like many people to the Birmingham Airport (BHM) – where it’s just a short 45-minute drive…

Or if you prefer to come in from the other direction – it’s just a 2-hour drive from the Atlanta Airport (ATL)…

And there are plenty of hotels to choose from just 15 minutes away from the range in the towns of Oxford and Anniston, Alabama…

Don’t worry, after you sign up you’ll get all the travel and accommodations info you need in an email…

The point is that it’s super simple to get to Patriot Training Center to take your class…

Again, this special offer will expire soon, so reserve your spot today while it's still available

Look, if you’re not convinced yet…

If there’s still that annoying little voice in your head that’s not quite sure, let me do one more thing to make this the easiest choice in your life…

I sincerely don’t want you to miss out on this opportunity and have to live with that regret…

I want you to feel and KNOW deep down inside that you’re getting an amazing deal, you can be proud of…

That’s why I’ve arranged some very special gifts for you just for saying “Maybe” and reserving your Patriot Rifle class spot today…


Outrageous FREE Gift #1:

Here’s All The Details About The $1,099 Colt AR-15 Rifle I Will Give You FREE!

As part of this special promotion for our 2-Day Patriot Rifle Class…

And to guarantee all 10 spots are filled with American Patriots…

Not only do you get an amazing deal today on the tuition…

I’m also going to take money out of my own pocket and buy you this $1,099 Colt AR-15 too!

That’s right…

As soon as you reserve your spot, you’ll get this FREE rifle to take the course!

The Colt AR-15 is the ideal rifle for beginners and expert shooters alike for dozens of reasons, but here’s the most important…

First, because this is THE rifle — almost an exact replica — of the same carbine that’s been issued to practically every branch of the U.S. Military for the last 20 years and has reliably, faithfully served as the primary rifle for our brave soldiers in the Global War on Terror.

(the ONLY differences are that, of course because of Federal laws, it’s NOT full-auto and the barrel is the legal minimum length of 16″)

That means it’s as close to “Mil-Spec” as you can get when it comes to AR-15’s!

Second, the absolute MOST important quality of a rifle you rely on to protect your life and the lives of the people you love is RELIABILITY.

In short, it MUST function every time you pull the trigger!

That’s why we’ve chosen to equip you with this Colt manufactured rifle, instead of the cheaper, inferior brand AR-15’s that cost much less…

But could fail you when you need them most.

Finally, this rifle is ready for you to go right out of the box because it comes fully setup for use with the rear iron sights and A2 fixed front sight you can take the entire class with iron sights… or… use the flat top picatinny rail to mount the optic of your choice (red dot or scope). 

The 5-position adjustable stock and polymer grip/handguard makes it easy to fit to your body…

And the 16″ M4 profile barrel is a 1/7″ mil-spec twist which means it’s fast enough to stabilize all types of 5.56 NATO/.223 Rem ammo from 55gr to 77gr…

And as you can see from the screenshot below, it really does have a MSRP of $1,099 and sometimes sells for even more than that…

These Colt AR-15 rifles are so popular, when you can find them in stock they often sell for $1,149 or more as you can see from the screenshot above!

The bottom line is that this rifle is everything you need for a good, reliable, AR-15 to get the training necessary to protect your family.

But, I’m not stopping there because I also want to give you…

GIFT #2:

THREE Standard Capacity 30-Round Magpul Magazines* (a $45 value) yours FREE!

In order to most effectively take this class, you’ll need a total of at least three magazines (and you can always bring more if you want). 

That’s why I’m also giving you not just one, but THREE (3) standard-capacity (30-round) Magpul magazines for this class!

This is not only all you need for the class, but it’s enough for a good “basic” loadout to keep ready for Home Defense and SHTF. This is a $45 value, but it’s yours FREE!*

GIFT #3:

You get the Frank Proctor Sling (a $45 Value) absolutely FREE!

The sling on a rifle is just as important, if not more important, than the holster for your pistol—that’s why we’re FLAT OUT GIVING YOU one of our favorite slings for fighting rifles!

What I love about this sling is that, first, it’s one of the lightest rifle slings on the market—no extra buckles and tabs that add weight, bulk or complexity…

Second, it includes nylon loops built into the design that all you to attach it to any type of rifle—AR-15, AK, FAL-it simply doesn’t matter because you can use it with any carbine or rifle…

Without having to buy extra attachments like quick-release (QD) devices or other gear…

It makes it quick and easy to adjust your sling while wearing it—so you can fight more easily with your rifle…

And the way it’s designed with an integrated sling management system—you can very easily store the sling securely to the rifle for working inside vehicles or storing for home defense—while maintaining full access to all the controls.

In short, this is one of the best slings out there, which is why you’ll see my personal rifle and most of our instructors using this same exact sling!

Normally, you’d have to pay $45 to get this Frank Proctor sling, but you’re getting it FREE just for signing up today!

Add it all up...
You get complete "Modern Minuteman" Rifleman Package (total value of $1,189) for FREE!

And as if that wasn't enough...

Here's half a dozen MORE gifts I'll give you, just to make your experience even better!

GIFT #4:

You get a printed & bound copy of the 2-Day Patriot Rifle student handbook (a $19 Value) absolutely FREE!

When you attend 2-day Patriot Rifle, you will have a printed and bound copy of the student handbook manual waiting for you…

Inside this student handbook is practically the entire curriculum that you will be learning over the exciting 2-days of your live training course…

So you have all the information to take home with you… to jot down important notes from class… and to easily reference in the future.

You can use this handbook again and again to refresh what you learned in class and revisit these life-saving skills so you never forget!

GIFT #5:

The FBI “Approved” List of Self-Defense Rifle Ammunition (a $19 value) …

This is a “cheat-sheet” to choosing the right duty/self-defense ammunition for your rifle…

You see, there’s two types of ammo…

There’s “training ammo” which is cheaper ball ammo that you want to use for training or plinking when you’re having fun…

But if you are using your gun for duty or self defense, then you definitely want to invest in the best, most proven ammunition possible…

This is usually hollow point ammunition…

… but you have to be careful.

There is a TON of marketing hype trying to sell you fancy ammo that just doesn’t perform…

That’s why the FBI has very strict criteria for “Terminal Performance” and it’s all covered in this guide… along with exactly what ammo has been tested and proven in ballistic gel and officer involved shootings…

So you can be using the same ammo the FBI and other Police use…

Everything you need to know is in this short little report!

Finally, because your family’s safety is so important to me…

GIFT #6:

You get a detailed and in-depth AR-15 and AKM Armorers Rifle Cleaning & Maintenance Video Course (a $49 Value) absolutely FREE!

Your rifle will quickly become useless if you don’t know how to clean and maintain it to keep it running for thousands of rounds and decades of use…
That’s why we have our resident Armorer, Carter, who is an expert at building custom rifles create this special video training course just for you!

• Discover the absolute BEST way to quickly and easily clean and maintain your rifles (proper cleaning and lubrication is revealed for the AR-15 and AK-style platforms)

• See the exact checklist a professional rifle builder uses to inspect critical parts for wear-and-tear

• You’ll see when you know certain parts will break in the near future and how to replace them to keep your rifle running

• Plus, much, MUCH MORE!

You can use this video course again and again to refresh what you learned in class and revisit these life-saving rifle maintenance skills so you never forget!

GIFT #7:

You get a complete Firearms Cleaning Kit (a $99 Value) absolutely FREE!

After you watch the Armorers Rifle Cleaning & Maintenance Video Course—you’ll know exactly how to field-strip, clean, and perform basic maintenance on your fighting rifle…

But because we want to completely overdeliver—we’ll also provide you with a full firearms cleaning kit for your rifle too!

This kit includes…

All the tools, brushes, picks and specialized items you need to deep clean your rifle…

In short, it’s everything you need to properly care for your defensive rifle and keep it running for YEARS in tip-top shape…

Similar kits sell for up to $99 on sites like Amazon, but you’re getting it FREE just for signing up today!

GIFT #8:

The 108-Point Home Security Checklist – a $500 value – yours FREE!

This is a simple, short, 108-point checklist that you might think is not valuable…

But you’d be wrong.

This checklist was developed by a former CIA officer who occasionally works as a security consultant for wealthy clients…

He used to charge clients $500 to come out and spend 1-2 hours going through this 108-point Home Security Checklist…

These days, he’s too busy to do them in person, but the good news is he gave me permission to share this checklist with my customers…

And I’m giving it to you so that you can download it immediately and start using it right away…

That means you can start securing your home as early as tonight!

This simple checklist can help you turn your home into an impenetrable fortress.

Like I said, my friend used to charge $500 for these consultations but I want you to have it FREE.

GIFT #9:

If You Are Ever Involved in a Self-Defense Shooting, Your Instructor Will Be Your Expert Witness - a $1,400 Value - For FREE!

Look: We live in a litigious society…

We’ve all heard the horror stories of responsible citizens caught up in a legal nightmare after being involved in a justified self-defense shooting.

So, we’ve gone the extra mile for you to give you a little added insurance in case you’re ever involved in a shooting…

Simply put, if you should ever have to use a firearm in self-defense, your instructor will be an expert witness in your case for free.

The truth is: if we were to offer this expert witness service to non-students, we’d have to charge $1,400 just to cover the instructors the time off work (which could take many days of trial) and their own personal time that would be spent looking into the incident.

I’m sure you can imagine how this would be an incredible legal benefit to you — almost like having insurance —if you ever have to use your firearm to defend yourself.

Your instructor will be able to testify on behalf of your skill, temperament and your qualifications to responsibly carry a firearm because he had personally given you training.

And the best part is you’ll receive this benefit absolutely FREE just for attending the 2-Day Patriot Rifle Course.

Now, let’s quickly add up the value here, so you can see everything you’re getting…

Over $4,775 In Value:

* The 2-day Patriot Rifle class published price is $1,500…

* Gift #1: You Get The Colt AR-15 Rifle – a $1,099 Value!

* Gift #2: You Get THREE Magpul 30rd Magazines – a $45 Value!

* Gift #3: You Get The Frank Proctor Sling – A $45 Value!

* Gift #4: You Get The 2-Day Patriot Rifle Student Handbook – a $19.95 Value!

* Gift #5: You Get The FBI “Approved” List of Self-Defense Ammunition Guide – a $19 Value!

* Gift #6: You Get The Armorers Rifle Cleaning & Maintenance Video Course – a $49 Value!

* Gift #7: You Get The Complete Firearms Cleaning Kit – A $99 Value!

* Gift #8: You Get The 108-Point Home Security Checklist – a $500 value!

* Gift #9: You Get The Protection of Your Instructor Being A Legal Witness If You Ever Have To Defend Yourself In Court – A $1,400 Value!

If you add it all up that’s over $4,775 in value!

But because you’re saying yes to this discount today – your investment today is not even HALF that at $2,387…

You get it ALL– including the FREE Colt AR-15, plus all 8 other gifts — for the low, everyday price of 2-Day Patriot Rifle for $1,500!

It’s the best deal I’ve ever offered…

And available to you today, because I need to fill these last few seats!

At this point, you’re at a crossroads moment in your life…

Three paths lie before you…

Path #1…

You can bury your head in the sand…

You can continue ignoring the voice in your head and your “gut” feeling that you need this training…

You can try to ignore the nightly news and the reality that we live in dangerous times…

Home invasions, street violence, brutal attacks on seniors, terrorist threats…

You can just put your blinders on and go back to living like your eyes haven’t been opened today…

And you can stay stuck in this denial pattern FOREVER…

Path #2…

You can try to figure all this out your own, and grumble about the slow progress you’re making…

How hard it is to figure out how to become a better shooter, and get the skills you need to protect yourself and your loved ones…

You can waste precious days, months and even YEARS using the “trial and error” method…

And you can live with knowing you once had the chance to never say, “I wish I had known …”

But never took advantage of it …

OR Path #3…

You can TAKE CONTROL of your life and get the guidance and advice I’m offering from my sweat and years of personal trial and error…

Guaranteed to get this area of your life handled.

Guaranteed to be turn you into the skilled, trained shooter you know you need to be.

Frankly, only one of these choices makes any sense at all...

Please – for your own sake and for your family’s sake – join me in taking advantage of my risk-free offer today!

I want to help get you the skills you so desperately need in these dangerous times…

So you can stop worrying and start enjoying your rightful place as your family’s protector forever…

It’s time to ACCEPT this risk-free investment in your (and your family’s) future and join me now.

Here’s how to Order: Click on the link below to order RIGHT NOW.

You can use your credit card— it’s fast, safe and 100% secure… ten times more secure than using a credit card at your favorite restaurant!


With your outrageous DOUBLE Guarantee – you’re risking absolutely nothing

(In fact, I’m putting all the risk squarely on my shoulders here – if I can’t help you then I don’t deserve your hard-earned money. That’s what I believe.)

And remember, with this limited-time offer you’re getting the complete “Rifleman Loadout” with the FREE Colt AR-15, the 3 extra Magpul Magazines and the Rifle sling

Plus, all 6 of the additional FREE gifts.

What it all boils down to is this: You need to take action now, before this deal is gone!

As soon as you register below, you’ll receive a private email with details on hotels, equipment to bring, and all the other specifics and information you need to attend.

To reserve your spot, click on one of the options below right now…

ONLY 10 Seats Left

January 25-26, 2025

Option #1 – One Payment of $1,500.00

Option #2 – Two Payments of $750.00

Don’t forget…

I only have 10 spots total for this class, and once those seats are gone, this offer will be gone too.

Simply click on one of the links below to take advantage of this opportunity before it closes:

ONLY 10 Seats Left

January 25-26, 2025

Click here to reserve your spot in Patriot Rifle for just $1,500 (You will be able to review your order before it’s final.)
Click here to reserve your spot in Patriot Rifle for just 2 payments of $750 (You will be able to review your order before it’s final.)

Stay safe, and I look forward to seeing you on the range!

See you soon!

Molon Labe!

Caleb Lee


Frequently Asked Questions:

Most frequent questions and answers


After you sign up today, here’s exactly how it works:

First, your spot will be reserved in the 2-Day Patriot Rifle Class for this next date.

Second, because there is limited time before the course start date and because we must follow the Federal laws for rifle purchases to state residents and non-residents, here is how getting your free rifle works:

Your FREE Colt AR-15 “Rifleman” Package (including the rifle, the 3 extra magazines and rifle sling) and the Student Handbook will be here waiting for you when you arrive to take your live course.

You can use all your gear and the gun during the entire course and then after your class. If you live in Alabama we can transfer your rifle to you like any normal gun shop and you can take it home with you that day. If you are a non-resident of Alabama, we can still transfer the rifle into your name and you can take it home with you if you are driving (or if you have made arrangements to fly it home with you according to TSA guidelines). If you are flying and do not want to fly home with it, we can also help you make arrangements to have your rifle shipped to your local Federal Firearms License (FFL) dealer to transfer into your own name in your home state (this is your local gun shop). It’s all very straight forward.

Finally, on the thank you page you get access to after ordering today, you’ll get access to all the rest of the gifts I’ve promised you:

* Gift #5: You Get The FBI “Approved” List of Self-Defense Ammunition Guide – a $19 Value!

* Gift #6: You Get The Armorers Rifle Cleaning & Maintenance Video Course – a $49 Value!

* Gift #7: You Get The Complete Firearms Cleaning Kit – A $99 Value!

* Gift #8: You Get The 108-Point Home Security Checklist – a $500 value!

* Gift #9: You Get The Protection of Your Instructor Being A Legal Witness If You Ever Have To Defend Yourself In Court – A $1,400 Value!

That’s it!

It’s very simple and straightforward to get all your gifts and there are no catches or drawbacks.

QUESTION: "If I live in CA, NY, or any of the states with magazine bans or restrictions – will I receive the Three 30-Round Magpul Magazines?"

ANSWER: No, if you live in a state with magazine capacity restrictions or other so-called “Assault Weapon” bans, you will not receive the bonus gift of three additional 30-round magazines if it’s not legal in your state. For example, California residents will receive only one CompMag 10-round magazine to comply with the assault weapon ban and magazine capacity restrictions in California.

QUESTION: "What is the 2-Day Patriot Rifle Class?

ANSWER: Simply put: this is a LIVE training class offered to civilians who want to be trained to the highest levels in defensive rifle skills at my Patriot Training Center range in Talladega, AL.

This live training was designed specifically to teach you how to use and protect your family with a modern, magazine-fed, semi-automatic rifle. Even if you’ve never shot a rifle before, by the end of this class you’ll be better trained than 99% of gun owners (including most law enforcement and military!)

This is not a book, DVD, video, or other online course. This is not a sit and listen lecture.

This is a 2-day LIVE, hands-on training class where you get to learn from one of the best instructors I’ve ever had the pleasure of working with.

"WHEN and WHERE is the Class? What are the dates?"

The next class is being held during the dates above in Eastaboga, AL at my private training facility, The Patriot Training Center.

All the exact details as to where the range is located, hotel recommendations, and other details will be sent to you after you sign up.

"What if I’m not in good shape or I’m old or have XYZ health problem"

Our instructor has taught hundreds of students from ages as young as 21 to as old as 60+ years of age. There is probably a way you can take this class if YOU truly want to.

That said, please watch the videos on this page to see the type of shooting and moving that you will be doing. You do NOT have to move as fast or as “dynamically” as the people in these videos, but you do need to be able to move.

On a personal note, if the type of movements in the video look like something you can not do… then you need to seriously considering improving your health and losing weight because if you ever have to defend yourself in REAL LIFE, criminals will NOT take it easy on you just because you’re old and out of shape.

In other words, you should strive not to be in as good as shape as you were when you were younger. Nor should you try to be the “the fittest man or woman in the world” but the “fittest YOU that you can be”. Nothing else will improve your survivability as being in the best shape you can physically be. Period.

"How do I fly with my Firearm?"

It’s actually pretty simple. And as a bonus, you are less likely to lose your baggage because if the airline loses your bag with a firearm in it—they have to report to the Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) about how they made such a huge mistake! The TSA guidelines can be found here. However, you should not only follow those guidelines, but also check with your individual airline as well because they all may have different rules/regulations.

"What if I don’t have a concealed carry permit?"

ANSWER: There is no concealed carry permit required to take this course.

"How many people can attend?"

This class is strictly limited in size to just 10-15 because we want to keep the instructor-to-student ratio small, so that there can be personal attention for anyone that needs it. That said, we only have a few seats left at the time of this writing.

"When is the next class?"

For 2024-2025, we have classes pretty much every month. But this is one of the few times we’ve offered such an extreme amount of gifts and bonuses to fill the last seats of this upcoming class. If you’re at all interested you should sign up now, because there are no guarantees we will offer this class at such an extreme discount again.

"What equipment will I need?"

ANSWER: You will need your rifle, a sling, and at least 3 magazines for your rifle, along with approximately 500 rounds of your rifle ammunition. You will also need your handgun, plus 2 extra magazines, your holster for the handgun, plus 100rds of ammo for the handgun. A complete list of class supplies will be provided when you sign up, but at a bare minimum you will need your rifle and pistol equipment and ammunition (you will probably shoot less than that, but if the class is progressing quicker because all students are doing well, you will shoot up to 500 rifle and 100 pistol rounds).

"Hi Caleb. I am very interested in this program. Can you tell me what additional expenses might be, such as ammunition, etc?"

ANSWER: After you sign up, you will get an email explaining exactly what you need to bring to the training course.

To answer your question about ammo specifically, the curriculum has been designed to shoot 250 rifle rounds of ammo per day, making this weekend a 500 round minimum. The easiest way to do this is to just order the ammunition online—you can buy 500 rounds at a discount—and have it shipped to Patriot Training Center with your name on it (my assistant Josh can help you with this after you sign up).

"What if I’m not a good shot? Or I’m new to firearms? I don’t want to embarrass myself ... should I be better or practice before I come?"

Don’t worry! Our master instructor has taught all types of people with all kinds of experience to include special operations level to people who have never even fired a gun before.

All that matters is that you follow the safety rules you’ll learn and he’ll take care of the rest. Do NOT worry about “looking good” or “shooting poorly” during the class.

This is not a contest to see how good you shoot—this is about helping you learn more skills so that you can better protect yourself and your loved ones.

"Can My Child Attend? What are the AGE Requirements?"

We 100% encourage and absolutely would love to train your whole family, including your children!

You would buy a seat like any other student and the minimum age is 11 if taking the course with a parent or guardian. The parent or guardian MUST be the one working with the child during the entire course, and be responsible for only ONE child. In other words, you are responsible for your child and you understand that if something is unsafe we may have to address that and/or remove them from the line. Children age 10 and under are not allowed. Unattended minors are NOT allowed on the property. They must be escorted by a parent or guardian at all times or be enrolled in an appropriate course.

Please do bring your family and get your children training as soon as you, as their parent, believe they are responsible enough to take the training. (If you have any questions about any of this, simply contact us by phone or email with any questions).

Patriot Training Center 1581 Richeytown Rd, Eastaboga, AL 36260
© Copyright. All rights reserved