Best-Selling Author and NRA, USCCA, Rangemaster Master Certified Instructor Says

“Give Me Just 2 Fun & Exciting Days
To Prove I Can Teach YOU How To Shoot
BETTER Than 97% of Police (and Most Military)

And I’ll Give YOU This
FREE $669 Glock Handgun!

Plus, I’ll Flat Out GIVE you the BEST and Most Complete “Everyday Carry System”
For Your FREE Gun!”

Plus, 7 MORE Tactical Gifts Described Below
- a total value of $4,519!

When you register for the next LIVE
2-Day Patriot Pistol Course
on November 16-17, 2024

Only 10 Seats Left!

Dear American Patriot,

I want to give you a brand-new, $669 Glock Handgun FREE

This is almost identical to the Glock that I carry personally everyday to protect myself and my family

The fact is it’s on of the finest, most reliable defensive handguns you can purchase anywhere.

Plus, as long as you’re lucky enough to say YES before this offer expires…

I’ll even send you a FREE Conceal Carry Holster, Conceal Carry Belt, and Magazine Pouches – so you have EVERYTHING you need to carry and use it…

Plus, 7 MORE Tactical Gifts and Bonuses (a total of $4,519 in Value)…


I’ll tell you all about why this Glock handgun is so great in just a moment, but first…

There IS a catch here

This is an extremely limited and time-sensitive situation.

And I’m doing it for 2 very specific reasons:

One, because I want to do something outrageous to promote a special event I’m hosting in just a few short weeks

And two, because I want to get you armed and trained as FAST as humanly possible.

Who Am I And Why Am I Willing To Spend My Own Money To Send You a FREE Gun?

As you might have guessed, I’m the “Renegade Patriot” as described at the top of this page

Some people might call me that, after discovering what I’m offering here today

If we don’t know each other yet, my name is Caleb Lee.

I’m an NRA, USCCA, and Rangemaster Master Certified Instructor…

I’m also the author of the #1 Amazon Best-Selling book Concealed Carry 101 and the founder of

And as the founder of Patriot Training Center…

You’re getting this letter because, if I’m right about you, you’re someone who believes in the founding principles of our country which includes being a self-reliant, gun-owning American

Which is why I’m writing to invite you to a one-of-a kind event in just a few short weeks that’s designed to give you the confidence to protect yourself and your family…

And why I’m willing to use my own money to outright BRIBE you to come join me at this event

To tell you the truth, it’s an event that could forever change your life, as it’s already done for many others

For example, Ron Lynch from Florida said “Compared to the training I received in the Military-this is leaps and bounds ahead!”

Quentin Booker from California said “I flew from California – 1800 miles away – as soon as you can you need to get in this class!”

So, what exactly is this event I’m inviting you to attend?

In short, it’s called the 2-Day Patriot Pistol course

>> This is NOT another written manual or video training

>> This is NOT training you take on the internet.

>> This is NOT just a simple “concealed carry lecture” class where you learn “just enough” to get a CCW permit.

This is exactly what you need if you own a gun for self-defense

And, the fact is, you need to take this class if you already carry a gun or you intend to carry concealed to protect yourself and your family…

Even if you only have a gun in your home for home defense…

In short, every American who owns a gun needs the 2-Day Patriot Pistol class!

What is this class then?

The 2-Day Patriot Pistol class is the foundational course for any gun owner.

The best part is, in just two short, but fun and exciting days, you’ll be trained to a higher level than 99% of gun owners (including the military and police) … even if you’ve never shot a gun before.

Plus, you’ll receive all the detailed training in a friendly, supportive environment. (None of that intimidating “bootcamp” or “gun trainer as drill instructor” nonsense!)

That’s a bold promise. And I promise you that we deliver on it.

In fact, if after these 2 amazing days of training, you don’t walk away feeling like the confident, skilled, trained protector that you and your loved ones need

I’ll not only refund every penny of your investment with me, but I’ll even pay YOU $1,500 just for wasting your time with my outrageous guarantee (more on that in just a moment)

If it’s been awhile since you’ve been able to train

Or if you’ve never had legitimate, professional training…


If you’re one of the millions of people who bought a gun for the very first time

This training is PERFECT for you!

In fact, we find that people who are “rusty” or who have never shot a gun before actually shoot better after a training course
 because they don’t have to “unlearn” all the bad habits that many gun owners picked up over the years from growing up around them.

So, let’s talk about the experience you’ll have during these 2 exciting days…

First, you’ll come out to my private range in Alabama. (more on that in just a moment)

And the morning of the first day, you’ll start off in the classroom.

An Extremely In Depth And At Times Disturbing Classroom Presentation...

Now, when most people think of getting firearms training, they don’t want to sit in a classroom and listen to a lecture because they think it’s boring…

But I promise you, this is nothing like that.

The truth is, unless you’ve already taken some very elite training with today’s top instructors this will be the most impactful powerpoint presentation you will ever see because they simply don’t teach this stuff in normal gun classes.

The fact of the matter is that I’ve sat through our Master Instructor’s presentations more than once and each time I pick up something new.

The 4 critical safety rules

First off, since the most important aspect of carrying a gun is safety, it’s a major part of the 2-day Patriot Pistol course and one of the first things we will cover…

For instance, I once read an email from a 53-year-old father of two who was looking to purchase his first firearm…

“I’ve thought about getting a gun. However, I’m scared. The last thing I want is the gun to go off in my hands, my kids to find it and shoot and kill someone, me fumble with it when someone goes into my house, it misfiring in my car and hurting someone.”

If you’re new to guns, I bet you’ve had similar thoughts, and if so, it’s completely normal.

That’s why one of the first things we do is thoroughly cover the 4 critical gun safety rules.

If you follow these 4 simple rules you’ll NEVER have to worry about having a firearms accident.

You’ll also discover…


One of the most important things we will cover concerns ammunition for your gun…

After all, you can’t do much with a gun if you don’t have the proper ammunition for it.

  • For instance, you’ll see how to ensure you always use the correct ammunition in your gun. (And the three easy ways to check for this.)
  • The critical difference between practice ammunition and self-defense ammunition. (And you’ll discover the critical characteristics to look for in self-defense ammo
 including the top brands we trust our lives to)
  • And, you’ll get cutting-edge information on the “stopping power” of various handgun rounds like .380, 9mm, .40 and .45 (the information you learn here will most likely surprise you!)

Holsters and Other Concealed Carry Gear

Of course, once you’ve chosen the right gun and ammunition for you, you will also need to know how to choose the right holster to carry your gun, right?

  • You’ll discover the best ways to carry a concealed firearm and even a demonstration of the holster(s) we personally use.
  • You’ll also learn about ankle holsters, shoulder holsters, cross draw holsters, appendix holsters and the pros and cons of each.
  • And if that wasn’t enough, you’ll discover other personal protection gear you should consider using, including knives, pepper spray and flashlights.

(You’ll get the names of the companies with the best gear. Also, your instructor will bring all of the gear he personally uses for you to see.)

And that’s just the first few hours of the first day!

Then it’s time to hit the range…

How would you like to be better trained than 99% of gun owners, including most military and police?

When you attend the 2-Day Patriot Pistol Course, you’ll have that opportunity!

This one-of-a-kind defensive handgun course will not only give you the confidence to defend your family from violent criminals or other criminal encounters…

But you’ll also be taught how to shoot with extreme accuracy (even under stress).

In fact, here are just a few of the items covered during this live fire training course:

  • The proven handgun grip that the world’s fastest and most accurate shooters use
 and how to make it “second nature” with your own gun

  • How to practically ELIMINATE misses from “flinching”, shooting low and left (for right-handed shooters), anticipating the shot and MORE

  • A little known secret that lets you draw extremely FAST (even less than a second) when you’re carrying concealed — no matter what position your hands are in.

  • How to master a smooth trigger pull (this ONE thing alone will skyrocket your accuracy!)

  • How you can use your EYES to control your trigger, so you ALWAYS shoot as fast as possible (even on smaller targets or further distances)

  • How to shoot one handed – and still be highly accurate (Perfect if you ever injure your other hand!) 

  • Accuracy secrets from 3 yards all the way out to 15 yards. (Your groupings will be so tight, your friends or family may accuse you of shooting at point blank range)

  • And so much more!
Whether you’ve been shooting since you were a kid or you’ve never even fired a shot before

by the end of the course, you’ll be able to shoot better than most military and law enforcement. (We even prove it to you on the last day!)

And that’s just a small sample of what you’ll experience during day ONE of your adventure…

It’s important to understand that by the end of day one, you will most likely see REAL improvement in your shooting skills, no matter your age, level of experience, or physical condition...

That’s exactly what I experienced, when I took my first live firearms training course from a true professional…

What’s even more impressive is that my wife, who had never had any professional firearms training was shooting at least 50% better by the end of her first day of live fire training…

And my father, who is almost 70 with failing eye sight also saw exciting improvements in his accuracy by the end of just one day of professional live training and those few short hours on the range…

In other words, if you’ve never had any professional firearms training, prepared to be amazed by how quickly you improve once you learn how to shoot the “correct” way.

And if you have had training in the past, or you practice on your own and you seem to be “stuck” at a certain skill level—I can guarantee this will help you improve as well!

Day Two Is When You Discover What Sets This Training Apart From All The Rest...

The fact is, the beginning of day two is probably my favorite part of the entire weekend…

That’s because you’ll start to have more confidence in your skills, and you’ll be able to pickup the pace and really push your speed and accuracy as you try more advanced shooting drills…

However, before you get to all that, you’ll start again with an interactive, multi-media lecture illustrating the indicators of criminal pre-assault behavior, the physiological impact of stress in self-defense situations and ballistic performance among other topics.

Here’s just some of the things you’ll discover…

The TRUTH about Violence and Criminals:

  • The critical difference between social and asocial violence (once you understand this, you’ll never again be worried about pulling your gun at the wrong time or if you can legally defend yourself in any given situation)

  • How an ugly conversation can quickly turn into a brutal homicide (and how to make sure you’re never the victim)

  • How violent predators think and how you can use this against them to keep your family safe

  • The most likely places you’ll find human predators, and why you must be extra careful the next time you visit these spots

  • How to stand, talk, and act so that you do NOT look like a potential victim to violent criminals

    (Research has consistently proven that human predators—most were convicted violent felons—can almost instantly look at a person and know whether they can victimize them. You must learn how to avoid the “victim look”)

And there’s so much more…

Your eyes will be opened and if you’ve never been involved in lethal, interpersonal violence—you’ll most likely be shocked as you learn about gut-wrenching actual crimes…

The truth is, this visceral learning about REAL violence is vitally important to drill this knowledge into your head and carve it into your memory so you never forget it.

And then possibly one of the most important parts of the presentation is…

Situational Awareness:

Put simply, you’ll discover the secret of avoiding a gun fight in the first place…

Which involves a color code that shows you how to spot an attacker. This is without a doubt, the simplest way to become victim-proof.

The truth is, this situational awareness training alone will almost make you “victim-proof”.

You’ll pick up a keen eye for criminal and unusual behavior…

And you’ll never look at the world again, as you’ll now be able to see it through the eyes of a trained, capable defender of life.

Then you'll hit the range again, for even more fun and exciting live-fire training!

After covering the fundamentals on day one, you’ll be ready for more exciting training on day two

  • The tactical secret to master recoil so your you can still see your sighting system
 regardless of how fast you pull the trigger

  • The #1 secret to shooting faster
 without seeing your accuracy decrease

  • Why shooting “center mass” is wrong and the ONLY anatomically viable targets you should ever aim for when shooting a human being to stop the threat as quickly as possible.

  • The best ways to reload your gun, quickly, even under the stress of someone attacking you

  • How to quickly and easily deal with the most common handgun malfunctions so you can get your gun back into the fight as quickly as possible

  • Fun and exciting shooting drills
 including dry fire drills you can practice at home
 no ammo needed

  • EXACTLY what you should say the moment you stop shooting someone who is trying to kill you 
 that could keep you out of jail!

  • Plus, what you MUST say to the police after defending yourself and what you should never, EVER do if they question you about the incident (ignoring this could lead to jail time at the worst, or millions in legal fees at best!)

And more… way more… in fact, there’s so much more that I can’t fit it all here and it’s truly something you have to experience to understand.

The bottom line is this:

By the end of these 2 amazing days of training, you’ll be an entirely different human!

Don't Just Take My Word For It... Listen to Just a Few of the Students Who've Already Taken This Course:

“I Would Highly Recommend This Course – Hoping I Can Get Some Friends To Come!”
-- Andrew H., Alabama
“I Got More From This 2-Day Course Than Any of My 5 Day Courses”!
-- David K, Texas
“Compared To Training I Received In The Military – This is Leaps and Bounds Ahead!”
-- Ron L, Florida
“This is the SECOND TIME I've Taken This Course - I Improved Tremendously!”
-- Charles T, Alabama
“I Flew From California - 1800 miles away - As soon as you can get in this class!”
-- Quentin B, California
“I Came From Virginia - This Course Offered The Complete Package!”
-- Alex C, Virginia
“We BOTH Became Better Shooters This Weekend!”
-- Josh & Emily, Virginia
“Stop Thinking About Coming To A Class - Just Do It! It Will Be Well Worth Your Time!”
-- Marcos M, Georgia

The fact is…

Whether you’ve been shooting since you were a kid or you’ve never even fired a shot before

Because of our proprietary curriculum utilizing the most advanced adult-learning mechanisms...

In Just 2-days of training, you'll be able to shoot better than 99% of gun owners

... That includes most military and law enforcement!

But the best (and most exciting) part about this class

Is it has been designed and organized using multiple “quick learn” mechanisms and the latest science in “adult learning modalities” 

Our entire curriculum was designed with these advanced adult-learning mechanisms that most other firearms courses simply do NOT utilize:

** Differentiated Instruction – so that all students no matter where they’re starting from, can learn these skills according to their individual needs.

** Interleaving – for better learning without cognitive overload, better long-term memory retention, and applicability to real-world use.

** Extraneous cognitive load reduction – so that the maximum amount of “short-term memory” learning over the course gets embedded into your long-term memory…

And many other truly cutting-edge and scientifically sound methodologies…

So that you can truly get this stuff FAST (practically instantly, really) …

Even if you have ZERO practical skills or training now.

In fact…

‱ You do NOT need any previous training, know-how or shooting skills at all

If you have never fired a gun
 never even picked up a gun

Or even if guns SCARE you right now, because you don’t understand them or think they’re dangerous – for whatever reason

Literally ZERO experience is required…

‱ You do NOT need to be young, strong or “in shape”

Being strong and fit is one of the BEST things you can do to increase your survivability

However, it’s simply not a requirement for this class

If you’re over the age of 50, your knees and joints ache and you have a bad back, as long as you can lift your gun and you’re able to walk around
 you have all the fitness you need for this class!

‱ The fact is: all you really need to get the most out of this class is the burning desire to become the protector your loved ones deserve.

To want to stop walking in fear …

To want to be the hero your loved ones can count on …

To want to know the simple gun-handling skills, shooting techniques and defensive strategies necessary to survive practically any self-defense situation you could possibly encounter in the increasingly dangerous and chaotic world we live in.

In short, just attending this class once will, literally, transform you.

That’s because once you’ve experienced this live training, your mind will never be the same again.

You’ll be a completely different person.

You’ll never enter a room and look at it or the people inside in the same way…

Instead, you’ll start to see the world through the eyes of a trained defender…

And when that “switch” gets flipped, deep down inside, you’ll transform into the type of person that your loved ones know

Just by looking at the sense of calm and confidence in your eyes — they can count on YOU if the You-Know-What-Hits-The-Fan.

In short, there’s nothing truly like this one-of-a-kind live training experience….

But, again, you don’t have to take my word for it…

79-Years-Young Carolle Stalling Had Absolutely ZERO Experience Shooting - She Had a Great Time And Can't Wait To Come Back!

What Carolle said is true…

Because here’s quite possibly the BEST part

While you’re learning serious topics like saving your life and the lives of your loved ones

You’re going to be THRILLED and AMAZED at how much FUN you’re having!

Yes, some of these topics are serious and maybe even disturbing when you get down to the realities of true violence

But here’s my promise to you

This is NOT a bootcamp

There are no “macho” instructors trying to belittle you or make you feel inferior

Nobody is going to yell at you or make you drop and do pushups

And the people you meet there are going to be just like you – true American Patriots who want to become trained protectors of their loved ones

People who want to become better people

Normal people like you.
And I can promise you

ESPECIALLY if this is your first live training class

When you hit the range to start shooting – you’re going to be having the absolute time of your life!

So at this point, you’re probably wondering what it costs to attend this amazing class?

Well, the truth is it’s not cheap (as you know, most things that are “cheap” are not quality) 

In fact, some people may think it’s expensive

But before we get to the investment for this one-of-a-kind class

Let me ask you a simple question

“How much did you spend on the last gun you bought?”

If you bought a Glock handgun– it was probably $550 to $800 bucks

A new Sig Sauer handgun is similar – starting at $550+ and going up from there with some models topping out over $1,000

And of course, the AR-15 is the most popular rifle in America

Most AR-15’s start around $700 and many go for $1,500 or more

Now, here’s a fun fact

According to the 2021 National Firearms Survey, by a professional survey firm

The average gun owner owns 5 firearms

Of course, I own WAY more than that

Even still, the chances are if you’re simply an “average” gun owner

Buying “average” guns

You’ve easily spent $1,500 to $5,000 on your gun collection

And I love buying guns as much as
 or my wife would say probably MORE than the next guy.

But the fact of the matter is that just having a gun, as you’ve learned here today, is NOT enough

You need the skills, that only come from training, to be able to use it.

Let me ask you, how much is it worth for you personally to NEVER feel afraid again that you would let down your loved ones because you couldn’t protect them?

How much is it worth to have the type of skills that put you in the rarified air of the top 1% of gun owners in America?

How much is it worth to NEVER wonder if you have what it takes

If your next trip to Walmart turned into an armed robbery in the parking lot

If next Sunday, a crazy psycho picks your church to try to get famous as the next active shooter

If in the middle of the night, a gang of thugs picked your home to invade

Imagine for a second, really feel what that would be like

What would be a fair price to know with absolute certainty – you could protect yourself and your loved ones?

If you’re being completely honest with yourself, I’d bet you’d say that the $2,000 or more the average gun owner has spent on guns would be totally fair to feel that type of confidence

 to know you have the power to take out a violent threat if justified

Heck, I bet you’d think that was downright cheap to never feel “Doubt” or “worry” about your family

I mean $2,000 is a lot of money, but when you look at it like a lifetime insurance policy for your family’s protection

It seems pretty affordable, doesn’t it?

Yet, after being a husband, a father, and doing whatever I can to protect and provide for my own family

I know that even when you want something so much and KNOW it’s a great deal

Sometimes it feels a little “selfish” to do give yourself something you desperately need

Which is why I’m going to take a big risk here.

Not a risk for you, but the risk is on me

You see, my mission in life now is to help guys like you get the skills they need to protect themselves and their families.

And I’m willing to take a big risk to help you to help yourself

Here’s how

We’ve already agreed that the 2-Day Patriot Pistol class is worth at least $2,000

But, here’s the good news

The published price of this 2-day training course is, in fact, only $1,500!

As you can see from the screenshot from our main website that’s open to the public – $1,500 is the published price for this training course.

And it’s already a bargain for two whole days of life-saving training you simple can’t get anywhere else

But for you (and for a limited time) – I’m doing something even more crazy

... Because there are only a few seats left!

And based on the views that I think this page will get

If you don’t take action today, you could come back tomorrow and this offer might already be gone!
Keep in mind, because of inflation and the rising costs of everything – even though we’ve already raised the price since our first classes

I’m virtually certain we’ll have to raise the tuition price of all training in the near future too.

And just to remove every excuse your brain might be trying to come up with to talk you out of doing this for yourself

You don’t risk one hard-earned penny of your money today because

I’m going to back up everything I said here and

Give You An Outrageous

Double- Guarantee

so this is Risk-FREE for You!

Here’s the deal

I don’t want ANYTHING to get in the way of you getting the training that you need

So all you need to do is say “Maybe!”
 and give this a shot yourself.

That’s why I’m going to cover you with an outrageous DOUBLE-Guarantee!

Guarantee #1:
You Get A 100% Money-Back Satisfaction Guarantee

Reserve your spot, come out and take the Patriot Pistol class yourself

Enjoy the 2-days of life-changing training

Shooting on the range

Meeting like-minded people

And after two whole days of training, if for some reason you don’t think this class has changed your life forever

If you’re not THRILLED and AMAZED at the experience

If you haven’t seen a real, measurable improvement in your shooting ability

Then simply walk up to your instructor on the spot, or contact my customer support team by phone or email after the class and you can get a full, no hassle refund.

As if that wasn’t enough, here’s

Guarantee #2:
I’ll Pay YOU $1,500 If You Believe I Wasted Your Time!

If after the 2-day Patriot Pistol class

And you earn your certificate (with a passing score on your final shooting qualification)

You can look me or one of my instructors in the eye and honestly say that the class was a waste of your time

If you didn’t learn anything new

If you thought it was a total waste of your 2-days time

Then not only will I refund you every penny of your $1,500 tuition fee

But I’ll actually pay you $1,500 out of my own pocket, just for wasting your time!

That makes this essentially a

Love It Or Get Double-Your-Money Back Guarantee!

I can’t possibly make it any easier for you to “Try this first, then decide”.

You risk nothing.

I’m putting all the risk here on my own shoulders

Because I have full confidence that this training works…

Sound fair enough?


Then click the link below to reserve your discounted spot right away.

Your LIVE Tactical Training Course Takes Place At My Private Training Facility In Talladega, Alabama...

The Patriot Pistol class takes place at my 33 acre facility called the Patriot Training Center just outside of Talladega, Alabama

Currently, we have 10 pistol ranges, 3 rifle ranges (with targets out to 600+yds) and a SWAT style outdoor “shooting house”…

The range has been designed from the ground up to provide a SAFE, supportive environment where patriots from around the world can come train

Getting to Patriot Training Center is easy, as you can see from the inner red circle in the map image, it’s just a 4-hour drive from many of the Southeastern States

And the outer blue circle is a 500 mile radius to the range

That means

Even if you live as far north as Indiana, Ohio, or Illinois

Or as far East as Virginia, North & South Carolina

As far south as Tampa Florida

Or as far West as Oklahoma, Texas or Missouri

You’re only an 8-hour or less drive to our facility!

Or you can fly in like many people to the Birmingham Airport (BHM) – where it’s just a short 45-minute drive

Or if you prefer to come in from the other direction – it’s just a 2-hour drive from the Atlanta Airport (ATL)

And there are plenty of hotels to choose from just 15 minutes away from the range in the towns of Oxford and Anniston, Alabama

Don’t worry, after you sign up you’ll get all the travel and accommodations info you need in an email

The point is that it’s super simple to get to Patriot Training Center to take your class

Again, this special offer will expire soon, so reserve your spot today while it's still available

Look, if you’re not convinced yet

If there’s still that annoying little voice in your head that’s not quite sure, let me do one more thing to make this the easiest choice in your life

I sincerely don’t want you to miss out on this opportunity and have to live with that regret

I want you to feel and KNOW deep down inside that you’re getting an amazing deal, you can be proud of

That’s why I’ve arranged some very special gifts for you just for saying “Maybe” and reserving your Patriot Pistol class spot today


Outrageous FREE Gift #1:

Here’s All The Details About The $669 Glock Handgun I Will Give You FREE!

The GLOCK 19 Gen5 FS pistol in 9mm is the ideal gun for beginners and expert shooters alike for dozens of reasons

First and foremost, because of the legendary Glock reliability

The absolute MOST important quality of a handgun you rely on to protect your life and the lives of the people you love is RELIABILITY.

In short, it MUST function every time you pull the trigger!

And also because of its versatility

If you want a concealed carry gun, it’s one of the finest you can holster—its compact size is easier to conceal than a full-size gun and the 15+1 capacity gives you peace of mind you have enough ammo if faced with multiple attackers

If you need a home-defense pistol, it’s perfect for that role too—the under-rail fits different handgun lights and lasers if needed and it can accept the larger 17, 21 and even 33 round capacity magazines if you want extra firepower

Quite simply the Glock 19 is considered a “Gold Standard” and one of the most popular guns for personal protection.

This is the newest Gen 5 FS version I want to send you here is my personal favorite of all the Glocks models available

It features the new frame design without finger grooves.

This allows you to instantly customize the grip to accommodate any hand size by mounting the different back straps

(Or if you’re like me and you have small hands, you can use it without any of the backstraps)

The reversible magazine catch and ambidextrous slide stop lever make it ideal for left and right-handed shooters.

It’s also the most accurate handgun that Glock makes

The rifling and the crown of the barrel were slightly modified for increased precision—what Glock calls their “Glock Marksman Barrel (GMB)” 

Even better, this particular Glock 19 Gen 5 FS model comes equipped with steel AmeriGlo night sights—which is a welcome upgrade from the stock, plastic sights on “normal” Glocks.

In other words

This Glock is THE Glock that I wish I had as my first gun!

It’s one of the absolute BEST factory handguns that you can buy off the shelf today.


As you can see from the screenshot below, when this special model is actually in stock – it retails for $669 with an MSRP of $753.00!

But as part of this special promotion for our 2-Day Patriot Pistol Class

And to guarantee all 10 spots are filled with American Patriots

Not only do you get an amazing deal today on the tuition

I’m also going to take money out of my own pocket and buy you this $669 Glock too!

That’s right

As soon as you reserve your spot, you’ll get this FREE handgun to take the course!

Plus, I’m Giving You The Absolute BEST and Most Complete “Everyday Carry System” To Go Along With Your FREE Gun!

I’ve already taken care of one of the biggest problems we see with new students

The first big problem is students come to class with an unreliable or otherwise unsuitable handgun to take the class

Most people don’t know this, but, many popular guns available today are so cheap that they’re almost completely unreliable and can’t make it through 2-full-days of tactical handgun training

Firing 100’s of rounds downrange like we do.

(You do NOT want to bet your life on an unreliable handgun
 it’s not worth saving a few hundred bucks if it costs you, or God-forbid, someone you love their life!)

The good news is

I’m FLAT OUT giving you one of the most reliable and proven handguns on earth – so I’ve solved this problem for you!

The next BIGGEST problem we see with new students that come to class

Even the ones that show up with a good, reliable, proven handgun like this ever-popular Glock

Is that they don’t have a complete, proven, safe and effective “Everyday Carry (EDC) System”.

What is an Everyday Carry (EDC) System?

Quite simply

It’s some of the most important pieces of gear that most people get completely WRONG

Because it’s an “after thought” to the gun they just purchased.

Specifically, we’re talking about:

  1. A rigid, comfortable, “Gun belt” that’s designed to hold the weight of your loaded pistol, 2 loaded mags, and anything else in your pockets—while allowing you to conceal your entire loadout while carrying in everyday life

  2. A SAFE, comfortable, and FAST Kydex Inside-The-Waistband Holster that’s custom fitted to your Glock handgun—designed by expert holster makers to make your gun practically disappear underneath your clothing—while still allowing for a FAST, efficient and consistent draw

  3. And two extra magazine pouches to hold your additional spare magazines. This is an absolute MUST when you take a training class—and makes carrying extra ammunition easy, comfortable and concealable in your daily life if you choose to.
Because I want to solve this problem for you…

That’s why I’m also giving you:

GIFT #2:

NexBelt Tactical Gun Belt
($69.99 Value – Yours FREE!)

The NexBelt Tactical Gun Belt is a tactical nylon gun belt made from super-high density microfiber material that is an advanced composite of ultra-fine polyester fibers.

This allows the stiffness required for carry your loaded gun, holster, and multiple magazines – plus holding up your pants and whatever other gear you carry.

The unique ratchet design makes it simple to adjust and a great work belt also.

Plus, it doesn’t scream “tactical” so you can wear it with different types of clothes and nobody will have a clue you’re carrying concealed

It’s completely adjustable and fits up to a 50” waist!

This is the EXACT same belt that Jeff Boren, our Head Instructor and Director of Training at Patriot Training Center wears

That means it’s the best-of-the-best!

Normally, you’d have to pick one up retail at $69.99 but I’m giving it to you FREE!

GIFT #3:

The Lexington Kydex Holster
($85 Value – Yours FREE!)

The new “Lexington” Kydex holster by KSG Armory is, quite simply, one of the finest holsters ever designed

First off, it’s 100% safe and approved for use in our live, hands-on training courses because it’s custom-molded to fit the Glock 19 I’ll send you and it completely covers the trigger guard.

Second, it’s chock-full of advanced features demanded by the world’s most experienced conceal carriers

It’s optics ready if you want to add a red to our pistol in the future

It’s ambidextrous by design, meaning it can be configured for right or left-handed shooters

It also comes with a Discreet Carry Concepts (DCC) Monoblock, a Modwing, and medium sweat guard height design

You can carry Inside-The-Waistband (IWB) with this holster, with a cant or no cant, and it works great—and was specifically designed—for Appendix Inside The Waistband (AIWB) as well.

Finally, with multiple adjustments for ride height, you can finetune the “sweet spot” balance between maximum concealment and the perfect ride height and “cant” to get a full primary grip on your pistol for the fastest draw possible.

Again, this is one of the most impressive, modular and capable holster designs to hit the market in many years—jam-packed with features that make it one of the safest, most comfortable, and fastest to deploy holsters available!

I promise you

If all you’ve ever used are cheap holsters from Amazon, a gun shop, or the local big box store
 you will be thrilled and amazed at how COMFORTABLE a well-made holster is and how much easier it is to conceal your handgun
 along with how much better your draw from concealment becomes!

Normally, you’d have to pay an additional $85 for this holster, but I’m giving it to you FREE!

GIFT #4:

Bravo Concealment OWB Double Magazine Pouch
($38.99 Value – Yours FREE!)

Finally, you get a Bravo Concealment double magazine pouch so you can carry at least 2 reloads when you take your pistol training class

These simply loop right onto the belt I’m giving you and work great to carry your extra reloads.

Plus, they’re universal– meaning they fit most dual-stack 9mm/40 cal magazines—so you can use them with your other guns too.

Because you’ll be learning and practicing reloads and malfunction drills, you need these extra magazine pouches—and they’re the best dual mag pouches for conceal carry too.

This is an additional $38.99 Value that I’m giving you FREE!

And as if that wasn’t enough

Here’s half a dozen MORE gifts I’ll give you, just to make it even better

GIFT #5:

After completing this course, you’ll be qualified to get your Virginia Concealed Carry Permit
(a $99 Value – yours FREE!)

And you don’t even have to live in Virginia 

That’s because Virginia offers both a resident permit (if you live in VA)…

And a non-resident permit (if you don’t live in Virginia).

So even if you don’t live in Virginia, the non-resident Virginia CHP (concealed handgun permit) will allow you to conceal carry in up to 28 states.

If you already have a permit in your home state, it still makes sense to get a Virginia permit as well so that you can get more coverage across more states

Plus, if for some reason you ever lose your current permit (because you forget to pay a renewal fee for instance), you’ll still have a “backup” permit.

Normally, you might pay $99 or more to take a class just to get your Virginia concealed carry permit, but this is just another perk of taking the Patriot Pistol class!

Now, speaking of concealed carry, here’s

GIFT #6:

You get a printed & bound copy of the 2-Day Patriot Pistol student handbook (a $19 Value) absolutely FREE!

When you attend 2-day Patriot Pistol, you will have a printed and bound copy of the student handbook manual waiting for you…

Inside this student handbook is practically the entire curriculum that you will be learning over the exciting days of your live training course…

So you have all the information to take home with you… to jot down important notes from class… and to easily reference in the future.

You can use this handbook again and again to refresh what you learned in class and revisit these life-saving skills so you never forget!

GIFT #7:

You get my Amazon best-selling book, Concealed Carry 101 (a $19 Value) absolutely FREE!

It’s the perfect complement to the live Patriot Pistol training class and gives you a ton of information if you plan to carry concealed, including

‱ What you absolutely MUST know about Concealed Carry and the law (important info to keep you out of jail!)

‱ What happens AFTER you are forced to draw your gun (if you think it’s over when the shooting stops–you’re sadly mistaken. Important info anyone carrying a gun should know!)

‱ 3 rules of determining the best place to carry your gun on your body

And a whole lot more!

You’ll get instant digital access to this book as soon as you sign up today.

GIFT #8:

The FBI “Approved” List of Self-Defense Ammunition (a $19 value) 

This is a “cheat-sheet” to choosing the right self-defense ammunition for your handgun

You see, there’s two types of ammo

There’s “training ammo” which is cheaper ball ammo that you want to use for training or plinking when you’re having fun

But if you are using your gun for concealed carry or home defense, then you definitely want to invest in the best self-defense ammunition possible

This is usually hollow point ammunition

… but you have to be careful.

There is a TON of marketing hype trying to sell you fancy ammo that just doesn’t perform

That’s why the FBI has very strict criteria for “Terminal Performance” and it’s all covered in this guide
 along with exactly what ammo has been tested and proven in ballistic gel and officer involved shootings

So you can be using the same ammo the FBI and other Police use

Everything you need to know is in this short little report!

Finally, because your family’s safety is so important to me

GIFT #9:

The 108-Point Home Security Checklist – a $500 value – yours FREE!

This is a simple, short, 108-point checklist that you might think is not valuable

But you’d be wrong.

This checklist was developed by a former CIA officer who occasionally works as a security consultant for wealthy clients

He used to charge clients $500 to come out and spend 1-2 hours going through this 108-point Home Security Checklist

These days, he’s too busy to do them in person, but the good news is he gave me permission to share this checklist with my customers

And I’m giving it to you so that you can download it immediately and start using it right away

That means you can start securing your home as early as tonight!

This simple checklist can help you turn your home into an impenetrable fortress.

Like I said, my friend used to charge $500 for these consultations but I want you to have it FREE.

GIFT #10:

If You Are Ever Involved in a Self-Defense Shooting, Your Instructor Will Be Your Expert Witness - a $1,400 Value - For FREE!

Look: We live in a litigious society

We’ve all heard the horror stories of responsible citizens caught up in a legal nightmare after being involved in a justified self-defense shooting.

So, we’ve gone the extra mile for you to give you a little added insurance in case you’re ever involved in a shooting

Simply put, if you should ever have to use a firearm in self-defense, your instructor will be an expert witness in your case for free.

The truth is: if we were to offer this expert witness service to non-students, we’d have to charge $1,400 just to cover the instructors the time off work (which could take many days of trial) and their own personal time that would be spent looking into the incident.

I’m sure you can imagine how this would be an incredible legal benefit to you — almost like having insurance —if you ever have to use your firearm to defend yourself.

Your instructor will be able to testify on behalf of your skill, temperament and your qualifications to responsibly carry a firearm because he had personally given you training.

And the best part is you’ll receive this benefit absolutely FREE just for attending the 2-Day Patriot Pistol Course.

GIFT #11:

You Get Our Patriot Training Center Pre-Class Training Video - a $99 Value - For FREE!

If you’ve never taken a LIVE, hands-on, training course, then you probably don’t know what to expect

You may have some anxiety about if you’re ready to take this training
 or maybe you have some confidence in your own skills, but you want to make sure you’re properly prepared and ready for your live training class.

That’s why I teamed up with my Head Instructor Jeff Boren—The Director of Training here at Patriot Training Center—and put together this special Pre-Class Training Video for you!

This Pre-Class Training Course will prepare you in advance, right from the comfort of your home, so you can get an immediate fast start, prepare properly and make the most improvement to gain the highest level of expertise when you attend your first live, Patriot Pistol course.

‱ Learn MORE when you attend your first live, hands-on course (because of Spaced Repetition Learning)

‱ Eliminate frustrating problems caused by gear, equipment and guns.

‱ Increase your confidence before you even attend your first, live, hands-on course

‱ Reduce your anxiety and eliminate embarrassment

‱ Gain familiarity with much of the techniques and terminology you’ll experience during the live training course

‱ And much, MUCH MORE!

The fact is

Before I took my first live training course, I was nervous and anxious because I didn’t know what to expect

It took a few hours on the first day just to be comfortable enough to be able to focus, learn and retain the information I paid so much to acquire

The bottom line is:

This video-based pre-class training like will ensure you come to class as prepared as possible.

Now, let’s quickly add up the value here, so you can see everything you’re getting…

Over $4,519 In Value:

* The 2-Day Patriot Pistol class published price is $1,500

* Gift #1: You Get The Glock 19 Gen 5 FS AmeriGlo Handgun – a $669 Value!

* Gift #2: You Get The NexBelt Gun Belt – a $69.99 Value!

* Gift #3: You Get The Lexington Kydex Holster – a $85 Value!

* Gift #4: You Get The Bravo Concealment Dual Magazine Pouches – a $38.99 Value!

* Gift #5: You’ll Be Qualified to Get your Virginia Concealed Carry Permit – a $99 Value!

* Gift #6: You Get The 2-Day Patriot Pistol Student Handbook – a $19.95 Value!

* Gift #7: You Get My Amazon-Best Seller Concealed Carry 101 Book – a $19.95 Value!

* Gift #8: You Get The FBI “Approved” List of Self-Defense Ammunition Guide – a $19 Value!

* Gift #9: You Get The 108-Point Home Security Checklist – A $500 Value!

* Gift #10: You Get The Protection of Your Instructor Being A Legal Witness If You Ever Have To Defend Yourself In Court – A $1,400 Value!

* Gift #11: You Get The Patriot Training Center Pre-Class Training Video – A $99 Value!

If you add it all up that’s over $4,519 in value!

But because you’re saying yes to this discount – your investment today is not even HALF that at $2,259

In fact, with this special offer, you get the FREE Gun
 the FREE Concealed Carry System
 Plus all 7 additional bonus gifts for the everyday low price of just $1,500!

It’s the best deal I’ve ever offered

But remember it’s extremely limited to the first 10 people to say YES today!

At this point, you’re at a crossroads moment in your life

Three paths lie before you

Path #1

You can bury your head in the sand

You can continue ignoring the voice in your head and your “gut” feeling that you need this training

You can try to ignore the nightly news and the reality that we live in dangerous times

Home invasions, street violence, brutal attacks on seniors, terrorist threats

You can just put your blinders on and go back to living like your eyes haven’t been opened today

And you can stay stuck in this denial pattern FOREVER

Path #2

You can try to figure all this out your own, and grumble about the slow progress you’re making

How hard it is to figure out how to become a better shooter, and get the skills you need to protect yourself and your loved ones

You can waste precious days, months and even YEARS using the “trial and error” method

And you can live with knowing you once had the chance to never say, “I wish I had known 

But never took advantage of it …

OR Path #3

You can TAKE CONTROL of your life and get the guidance and advice I’m offering from my sweat and years of personal trial and error

Guaranteed to get this area of your life handled.

Guaranteed to be turn you into the skilled, trained shooter you know you need to be.

Frankly, only one of these choices makes any sense at all...

Please – for your own sake and for your family’s sake – join me in taking advantage of my risk-free offer today!

I want to help get you the skills you so desperately need in these dangerous times

So you can stop worrying and start enjoying your rightful place as your family’s protector forever

It’s time to ACCEPT this risk-free investment in your (and your family’s) future and join me now.

Here’s how to Order: Click on the link below to order RIGHT NOW.

You can use your credit card— it’s fast, safe and 100% secure
 ten times more secure than using a credit card at your favorite restaurant!


With your outrageous DOUBLE Guarantee – you’re risking absolutely nothing

(In fact, I’m putting all the risk squarely on my shoulders here – if I can’t help you then I don’t deserve your hard-earned money. That’s what I believe.)

Plus, all of the free gifts
 including a FREE handgun!

What it all boils down to is this: You need to take action now, before this deal is gone!
As soon as you register below, you’ll receive a private email with details on hotels, equipment to bring, and all the other details and information you need to attend.

To reserve your spot, click on one of the options below right now…

ONLY 10 Seats Left

November 16-17, 2024

Option #1 – One Payment of $1,500.00

Option #2 – Two Payments of $750.00

Don’t forget…

I only have 10 spots total for this class, and once those seats are gone, this offer will be gone too.

Simply click on one of the links below to take advantage of this opportunity before it closes:

ONLY 10 Seats Left

November 16-17, 2024

Click here to reserve your spot in Patriot Pistol for just $1,500

(You will be able to review your order before it’s final.)

Click here to reserve your spot in Patriot Pistol for just 2 payments of $750

(You will be able to review your order before it’s final.)

Stay safe, and I look forward to seeing you on the range!

See you soon!

Molon Labe!

Caleb Lee

Frequently Asked Questions:

Most frequent questions and answers

"HOW Do I Get The FREE Gun and Other Gifts You Promised Me?"

After you sign up today, here’s exactly how it works:

First, your spot will be reserved in the 2-Day Patriot Pistol Class for this next date.

Second, because there is limited time before the course start date and because we must follow the Federal laws for handgun purchases to state residents and non-residents, here is how getting your free gun works:

Your FREE Glock 19 Gen 5 FS AmeriGlo Handgun and the Student Handbook along with your NexBelt Gun Belt, The Lexington Kydex Holster, and The Dual Magazine Pouches will be here waiting for you when you arrive to take your live course.

You can use all your gear and the gun during the entire course and then after your class, if you’re a non-resident of Alabama, we will help you make arrangements to have your new gun shipped to your local Federal Firearms License (FFL) dealer to transfer into your own name in your home state (this is your local gun shop). It’s very straight forward. (If you are a resident of Alabama, we can transfer your new handgun to you the same day and you can take it home with you.)

Finally, on the thank you page you get access to after ordering today, you’ll get access to all the rest of the gifts I’ve promised you:

* Gift #5: You’ll Be Qualified to Get your Virginia Concealed Carry Permit – a $99 Value!

* Gift #7: You Get My Amazon-Best Seller Concealed Carry 101 Book – a $19.95 Value!

* Gift #8: You Get The FBI “Approved” List of Self-Defense Ammunition Guide – a $19 Value!

* Gift #9: You Get The 108-Point Home Security Checklist – A $500 Value!

* Gift #10: You Get The Patriot Training Center Pre-Class Training Video – A $99 Value!

For Gift #11: Where You Get The Protection of Your Instructor Being A Legal Witness If You Ever Have To Defend Yourself In Court – A $1,400 Value – You will receive this benefit immediately after you’ve completed your live training course.

That’s it!

It’s very simple and straightforward to get all your gifts and there are no catches or drawbacks.

"What is the 2-Day Patriot Pistol Class?

Simply put: This is a LIVE training class offered to civilians who want to be trained to the highest levels in defensive gun skills at my Patriot Training Center range in Talladega, AL.

This live training was designed specifically to teach you how to conceal carry and protect your family with a handgun. Even if you’ve never shot a gun before, by the end of this class you’ll be better trained than 99% of gun owners (including most law enforcement and military!)

This is not a book, DVD, video, or other online course. This is not a sit and listen lecture.

This is a 2-day LIVE training class where you get to learn from one of the best instructors I’ve ever had the pleasure of working with.

"WHEN and WHERE is the Class? What are the dates?"

The next class is being held during the dates above in Eastaboga, AL at my private training facility, The Patriot Training Center.

All the exact details as to where the range is located, hotel recommendations, and other details will be sent to you after you sign up.

"What if I’m not in good shape or I’m old or have XYZ health problem"

Our instructor has taught hundreds of students from ages as young as 21 to as old as 60+ years of age. There is probably a way you can take this class if YOU truly want to.

That said, please watch the videos on this page to see the type of shooting and moving that you will be doing. You do NOT have to move as fast or as “dynamically” as the people in these videos, but you do need to be able to move.

On a personal note, if the type of movements in the video look like something you can not do… then you need to seriously considering improving your health and losing weight because if you ever have to defend yourself in REAL LIFE, criminals will NOT take it easy on you just because you’re old and out of shape.

In other words, you should strive not to be in as good as shape as you were when you were younger. Nor should you try to be the “the fittest man or woman in the world” but the “fittest YOU that you can be”. Nothing else will improve your survivability as being in the best shape you can physically be. Period.

"How do I fly with my handgun?"

It’s actually pretty simple. And as a bonus, you are less likely to lose your baggage because if the airline loses your bag with a firearm in it—they have to report to the Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) about how they made such a huge mistake! The TSA guidelines can be found here. However, you should not only follow those guidelines, but also check with your individual airline as well because they all may have different rules/regulations.

"What if I don’t have a concealed carry permit?"

Perfect! This class will qualify you for the Virginia resident or non-resident concealed handgun permit which will allow you to carry in up to 28 states. If you don’t live in Virginia, you should check with your state regulations, but it may also help you get a permit in your home state.

At the very least, if a VA CCW permit will not allow you to carry in your home state, then this is good training that will help you pass whatever concealed carry course you have to take in your own state as well.

"How many people can attend?"

This class is strictly limited in size to just 10-15 because we want to keep the instructor-to-student ratio small, so that there can be personal attention for anyone that needs it. That said, we only have a few seats left at the time of this writing.

"When is the next class?"

For 2024, we have classes pretty much every month. But this is one of the few times we’ve offered such an extreme amount of gifts and bonuses to fill the last seats of this upcoming class. If you’re at all interested you should sign up now, because there are no guarantees we will offer this class at such an extreme discount again.

"What equipment will I need?"

You will need your handgun, plus 2 extra magazines and other accessories that you either conceal carry with or plan to conceal carry with. A complete list of class supplies will be provided when you sign up, but at a bare minimum you will need your concealed carry equipment and about 500 rounds of ammunition (you will probably shoot less than that, but if the class is progressing quicker because all students are doing well, you will shoot up to 500 rounds). With this offer, I’m literally giving you everything you need!

"Hi Caleb. I am very interested in this program. Can you tell me what additional expenses might be, such as ammunition, etc?"

After you sign up, you will get an email explaining exactly what you need to bring to the training course.

To answer your question about ammo specifically, in the past, we’ve taught this class with about 200 rounds of ammo per day, making this 2-days a 400 round minimum. Because you can buy ammo in bulk in 500 or 1,000 cases, we recommend buying and bringing 500. The easiest way to do this is to just order the ammunition online—you can buy 500 rounds at a discount—and have it shipped to Patriot Training Center with your name on it (my assistant Josh can help you with this after you sign up). Finally, if you can’t locate this much ammo, contact us and you can buy it through us and we’ll hold it here for your class with your name on it!

"What if I’m not a good shot? Or I’m new to firearms? I don’t want to embarrass myself ... should I be better or practice before I come?"

Don’t worry! Our master instructor has taught all types of people with all kinds of experience to include special operations level to people who have never even fired a gun before.

All that matters is that you follow the safety rules you’ll learn and he’ll take care of the rest. Do NOT worry about “looking good” or “shooting poorly” during the class.

This is not a contest to see how good you shoot—this is about helping you learn more skills so that you can better protect yourself and your loved ones.

"Can My Child Attend? What are the AGE Requirements?"

We 100% encourage and absolutely would love to train your whole family, including your children!

You would buy a seat like any other student and the minimum age is 11 if taking the course with a parent or guardian. The parent or guardian MUST be the one working with the child during the entire course, and be responsible for only ONE child. In other words, you are responsible for your child and you understand that if something is unsafe we may have to address that and/or remove them from the line. Children age 10 and under are not allowed. Unattended minors are NOT allowed on the property. They must be escorted by a parent or guardian at all times or be enrolled in an appropriate course.

Please do bring your family and get your children training as soon as you, as their parent, believe they are responsible enough to take the training. (If you have any questions about any of this, simply contact us by phone or email with any questions).

Barry Had Been Shooting All His Life, But After This Class He Gained The Skills and Confidence He Needed To Carry His Gun Everyday!
Snooky Got Better At Drawing From The Holster and Shooting At 15yds - Says The Instructors Are Patient And Make You Feel Comfortable!
Chuck Said The Class Was So Educational and Fun He Would Not Hesitate To Recommend This Course to Other People!

Convinced You Already Know It All? Think You Don't Need Training?

... Check Out These Success Stories From Previous Students Who Grew Up Around Guns and Have Been Shooting Longer Than I Have Been Alive:

Jay Has Been Shooting For 55 YEARS, And Says You Will Not Regret Signing Up!

Ben Grew Up Around Guns and Shooting His Whole Life -- Astonished At How Little He Actually Knew... Now Has The Confidence To Carry Every Day!
Bill Is 70-yrs Young, Been Around Guns His Whole Life and Can't Believe How Much He Didn't Know... Now, He Has The Confidence He Needs, A Plan To Continue To Improve and Even Train The Rest of His Family!
Blane Is Retired Law Enforcement, Has Been Shooting Over 40 Years... ... Wishes He Learned These Skills 10 Years Ago and Recommends This Course To Everyone -- Active Duty Police Officers Too!

Perhaps You're a Complete Beginner?

This Course Is Perfect For You Too...

Jack Has Only Been Shooting For About 3-Months, Just Started Carrying His Gun... After This Class, Says...

"Anyone That's Just Getting Started Is Only Cheating Themselves" If They Don't Take This Class:

Patriot Training Center 1581 Richeytown Rd, Eastaboga, AL 36260
© Copyright. All rights reserved